Thesis Style Guides for Computer Science

All students are strongly encouraged to attend a Thesis/Dissertation Workshop sponsored by the School of Graduate Studies.

Graduate students at USU are answerable to two separate format/style guides.

First is the School of Graduate Studies' (SGS) Publication Guide.

Because it governs many of the formatting aspects of a thesis, all students -- but especially students who use Word -- are strongly encouraged to refer to this document as they write and format their theses.

The second format/style students are answerable to is determined by their respective departments. Individual departments have jurisdiction over stylistic elements not covered in the Publication Guide. In Computer Science, the department requires its dissertations, theses, and reports to use the IEEE Transactions citation reference. See the guide for IEEE citations.

LaTeX Info

To prepare your paper, students may use any appropriate document preparation software (e.g., Word, Pages, OpenOffice, LaTeX) so long as the Graduate School and Department Guideline are met; however, the use of LaTeX and BibTeX is strongly encouraged. Students unfamiliar with LaTeX may wish to visit the LaTeX wiki as a helpful starting place.

Need more help getting started? Learn how to use the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department's LaTeX template for your paper.