Snow & Ice Removal

Effective for 2023-24

Snow removal is managed and prioritized as follows:

Parking Lots

Parking lots are cleared when there is 1 inch of snow or more. When this occurs during the evening, heavy equipment crews are mobilized at midnight via USU Dispatch and remain plowing until 7 AM or until parking lots start to fill with vehicles. Magnesium Chloride is applied to the travel lanes and roadways to prevent ice from forming. Please see the call-out list for USU Heavy Equipment Operators.


When a snowstorm occurs during the night, Facilities Landscape (LOAM) personnel are dispatched via the “Snow Button” housed at USU Dispatch and will begin clearing sidewalks and entryways when snow accumulations reach 1 inch. Crews are dispatched no later than 3:00 AM on normal university business days. Personnel will be on campus removing snow by 4:00 AM. Crews will remove snow until there are clear and safe paths throughout campus. Snow is removed according to the Snow Removal Priority Map. Once the priority routes have been completed, other walkways will then have snow removed. Magnesium Chloride and/or Salt Brine are applied to sidewalks to prevent ice from forming.

Entryways to Buildings

Facilities FM personnel are responsible at the beginning of their 4 AM shift to clear all main entryways to maintained buildings throughout campus. Buildings that are not maintained by USU Facilities will clear their entryways unless they have hired Facilities staff to remove snow for them. Non-maintained buildings include TSC, University Inn, Eccles Conference Center, The Junction, Parking Terraces, Housing Buildings, and some locations throughout Innovation Campus.

Heavy Snow Storms

Facilities crews will make every effort to clear and maintain at least 1 entrance to each building and clear walkways that are designated as the main priority. Where possible, Facilities will clear an entrance that is handicap accessible. Facilities will remove snow from the remaining sidewalks and entrances as the storm permits and until all building entrances and major sidewalks are clear of snow. To see what sidewalks are designated as high priority please see the the Snow Removal Priority Map.

Early Morning Storms

If there is an early morning storm (after 3 AM) Facilities crews begin clearing snow as soon as possible. That means on early morning storms, the primary walks, roads, and parking lots will not be cleared as quickly due to the time and number of pedestrians and motorists using the walks, roads, and parking lots.


Snow removal crews try and plan as much as possible for storms. However, if there is a planned event we ask that you please notify all snow removal crews before the Event occurs via a Planned/Event work order. If there is no snow during an event, there will be no charges incurred on the work order from Facilities. If there is no prior notice of an event, it may take up to 30 minutes to 1 hour for technicians to arrive on-site to remove snow on roads/parking lots/walkways. Facilities Landscapers provide an after-hours/evening crew that will continually maintain sidewalks to prevent slip and fall accidents. If you do need to dispatch technicians due to snow falling mid-game, please contact the following people:

  • Roadways - Luke Bair (Heavy Equipment) - (208) 670-2933
  • Sidewalks - Travis Maynard (LOAM) - (435) 770-7235

Safety Precautions

Safe access for pedestrians and motorists is the greatest concern during snow removal. Students, staff, and faculty should be aware of equipment as they walk and drive around campus. Sidewalk crews will pull to the side and stop work during class break times to protect pedestrians on the walks. During other times, they will be moving slowly as the walks are cleared. The campus community can help with safety and snow removal by watching for equipment and stepping to the side to allow for more efficient operations. Take reasonable precautions to protect yourself when on campus. Be careful when entering and exiting vehicles and buildings, and walk carefully when conditions warrant it.

Reporting Icy Spots

There may be icy or slick spots during or after a storm. If there is such a spot, call Facilities Customer Service at (435) 797-3535 and report the location of this spot. Appropriate crews will respond and apply ice melt or salt brine to disperse the ice.

Reporting a Snow or Ice Issue
Please report any snow or ice issues to Facilities Customer Service during regular business hours. For off-hours snow and ice concerns, please contact the USU Police at (435) 797-1939.