Haley Hayes


Haley Hayes


Haley will not hesitate to tell anyone that yoga can be life changing. In 2001, Haley was looking for a hobby and decided to enroll in D'ana Baptiste's, owner of Centered City Yoga, teacher training program. That "hobby" became a passion. Along with D'ana's teacher training she has also completed 200 hour RYT at Yoga Jo's, 25 hour certification in the Ashtanga primary series, 10 hour intensive with Ana Forrest and participated in workshops with Baron Baptiste, Bryan Kest and Scott Moore. Haley is also certified in Stott Pilates and has her AFFA primary certification. Wherever Haley is she tries to find a yoga class. She's had the opportunity to take classes in Alaska,  Washington, Arizona and Colorado. She has received instruction at the Jivamukti Yoga Center in NYC, The Iyengar Institutes in NYC and San Fransisco, The Kundalini Center in San Fransisco, Sonic Yoga at NYC and SLC, Bikram and Anusara in SLC. 

Most recently Haley has been at USU teaching yoga through the Employee Wellness program and to the general student body through the KHS department. She has also taught the ROTC Air Force cadets and USU's football, gymnastics and softball teams. Haley's classes are for all levels and abilities. In 2016, Haley graduated from Utah State University receiving her BA in Interdisciplinary Studies combining Religious Studies and Human Movement. For her senior project she designed and taught a yoga practice specifically for individuals with Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis, studying the effects yoga has on movement and mood. Haley is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Health & Human Movement specializing in Exercise Science at USU. Her thesis is on the effects of a yoga intervention on reactive balance in an older adult population.

Haley's love of adventure has led her to some fantastic experiences. She has been scuba diving in Honduras, ice climbing in Switzerland and traveled to Russia on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Her greatest experience and most amazing adventure though is being a mom to her two beautiful children.