Be Well Mini Challenges

The following mini challenges vary in length and reward value. Earn up to $100 by completing challenges.

Guidelines and Instructions


Be Well Rewards

You can concurrently participate in the Be Well Rewards program while doing the mini-challenges.

Restart Rules

You can do mini-challenges concurrently but once you start a challenge, you must finish within the timeframe in order to complete it. You cannot take any weeks off but you can restart or cancel a challenge.

Documentation for completed challenges must be submitted by midnight of the end date or they will not be accepted.

Cash Cap

You are limited to a combined total of $100 cash rewards for any combination of mini-challenges. All challenges must be completed and documentation submitted by May 31, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.

Getting Started

All registration and documentation submissions are now in ServiceNow. Use the buttons below to register, submit documentation, cancel a challenge, and view your dashboard.

Once reviewed and approved, your cash reward will appear in the next paycheck, if approved before the payroll deadline. Cash rewards will be taxed.

Register Submit Documentation Cancel a Challenge View Your Dashboard

Mini Challenges

Save, Invest, or Pay Off Debt

$20  4 Weeks

Make a goal to reach a certain amount in either savings, investing, or paying off debt in 4 consecutive weeks. You determine the amount based on your circumstances. We recommend meeting with your financial advisor to come up with the best plan, though this is optional. 


Upload your written goal, results, and a screenshot of any email or calendar appointment if you met with a financial advisor.


Goal - I will save $1,000 from September 1 - September 29.
Result - I saved $1,200 from September 1 - September 29.

Limit Screen Time

$30  3 Weeks

Experts recommend less than 2 hours of screen time per day, yet Americans spend an average of 3 hours and 43 minutes on their phone per day. Excessive screen time has been linked to sleep disorders, mental health concerns, lack of physical activity, and more. This challenge encourages you to track your screen time for 3 consecutive weeks with a goal of keeping your weekly screen time* average to 2 hours or less per day. 

*This is only for phone screen time. Laptop or other screen time is not included in this challenge


Upload one screenshot for each of the 3 consecutive weeks showing the average screen time for the week. You will get credit if your average is 2 hours or less each day for all 3 weeks. 

iPhone screenshot example
Android screenshot example

Happy Habits

$40  4 Weeks

Happiness is a fundamental part of life. Happy Habits are a set of habits shown to generate a persistent increase in positive emotions. This is a 4-week challenge and the requirements are practicing any of the habits listed below and writing about it. You will get credit by submitting a short report, 1-2 paragraphs, explaining which habits you incorporated into your daily and/or weekly routine and how they made a difference in your life, if any. We recommend participating in as many of these habits as possible, as often as you can. The Happy Habits are:

  • Nurture Relationships- Our connections to others define us.
  • Cultivate Kindness- It tends to come back around.
  • Let It Flow- Balance task difficulty with personal skills.
  • Schedule Sacred Moments- Don’t let time slip by unappreciated.
  • Focus On Strength And Virtues- Engage your assets.
  • Look On The Bright Side- Positivity changes everything.
  • Move To Boost Mood- Exercise, meditation, diet, and more.
  • Create your own- Any healthy activity which helps improve mood, subject to approval. Email with your request.


Upload a short report of 1-2 paragraphs, explaining which habits you incorporated into your daily routine and how they made a difference in your life, if any. 

Participate In a Sport

$40  4 Weeks

There are so many benefits to joining an adult sports league ranging from helping you make new friends, connecting to a community of like-minded individuals, learning a new skill or maintaining a current one, staying physically active, or increasing your confidence. If you’ve been looking to take a break from adulthood, here is your chance! You can also join a walking group or any other type of communal physical activity.


Upload a confirmation of registration to any sports league of your choice and photos/texts of active participation throughout the 4-week period.

Gratitude Diary

$20  1 Week

Spend time every day reflecting and making a list of the things you are grateful for. 


Upload your list after you have completed the challenge for a week. Submission should include a date for each day to verify completion.

Random Acts of Kindness

$20  1 Week

Do something kind that isn’t expected of you every day for a week. Don’t let this list limit you; we want to see all the things you come up with!  It doesn’t matter why - all that matters is that you do something every single day.


  • Write a thank you note
  • Pay for a stranger’s coffee
  • Surprise a friend with a kind message
  • Donate to a food pantry
  • Call someone who needs a pick-me-up
  • Give a gift to the mail carrier
  • Write an inspiring note on the sidewalk
  • Let someone go ahead of you in line
  • Compliment three people
  • Make an award for someone
  • Leave a generous tip
  • Treat yourself to a relaxing evening


Upload a list of what act(s) of kindness you did each day for one week. You may repeat the same random act of kindness every single day but we encourage you to try different ones. 

Plank Challenge

$40  4 Weeks

Planks are a great core exercise that requires no equipment. This is a 4-week challenge, and the goal is to improve your plank time. All you have to do is test how long you can hold a plank* initially and post a better time four weeks later. We recommend setting weekly or even daily goals for how long you can hold a plank. Any improvement is a win! 

*Modified planks are allowed for this challenge as long as both before and after times submitted are done performing the same plank variation. 


Upload a photo or screenshot of a timer showing your initial plank time and another one of your post-challenge plank time, showing improvement. 

Boost Your Cardio

$40  4 Weeks

This activity aims to encourage regular physical activity, improve cardiovascular health, increase energy levels, and promote a healthier lifestyle. Participants will be required to track their minutes of physical activity and document their progress to stay motivated and accountable. To complete this challenge, you must engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity* aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity** aerobic activity per week. You can do also do an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous intensity aerobic activity. For example, 30 minutes of vigorous + 120 minutes of moderate = 150 minutes combined.

*Moderate physical activity is a level of exercise that requires a moderate amount of effort and noticeable increase in your heart rate, breathing, and may result in a light sweat. Some examples of moderate physical activities are; brisk walking, water aerobics, doubles tennis, gardening or yard work, hiking, etc.

**Vigorous physical activity is defined as intense exercise that significantly increases your heart rate and breathing, making you work hard and sweat profusely. Some examples of vigorous phsyical activities are; running or jogging at a fast pace, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), jumping rope, fast paced cycling or spinning, aerobic dance classes, etc.


Upload confirmation that you engaged in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity, or a combination of both for 4 weeks. 

  • Fitness Tracker: Use a fitness tracker or smartphone app to log daily minutes of physical activity. Screenshots where any and all data is displayed pertaining to your minutes of physical activity is acceptable. 
  • Activity Log: Maintain a weekly digital or physical activity log detailing the type, duration, and intensity of each exercise session. Include dates and times.

Hydration Challenge

$20  4 Weeks

Water keeps every system in our body functioning properly, so it is important that we stay hydrated. Although we get water from other beverages and food sources, most people need about 4-6 cups of plain water each day. With this challenge, you will keep a water log of how many cups of water you consume daily.

1 cup = 8 ounces


Upload your water log for the 4 week period, highlighting weekly total amounts. You can either keep track of your water intake through an app and send a screenshot, or keep a written record of how much water you consumed each day of the week.

Produce Challenge

$20  4 Weeks

Eating more produce (fruits & vegetables) has many health benefits. The goal of this challenge is to get you to incorporate more fruits and/or vegetables into your diet. Aim to add 1 more serving of fruits or vegetables into your day for at least 3 days per week. This serving is in addition to what you already eat. 

Serving size information


Upload your produce log for the 4 consecutive weeks, highlighting each week. Document the day of the week and the extra serving(s) of produce you consumed.