Colorado River Collaborative

In late April 2024, the Institute for Land, Water, and Air launched the Colorado River Collaborative, a statewide media group to help train, inform, and support news organizations in telling solutions-focused, local-perspective stories on the Colorado River. The group’s mission is to significantly expand Utah-based coverage of this critical water basin.

Colorado River News

colorado river with florals

Newsroom Members

The collaborative’s emphasis is on exploring the importance of the river and the impacts of its decline on Utahns. As a solutions journalism initiative, the 11-member newsrooms will pool resources for more in-depth coverage of the Colorado River. Collaborative stories will also explain what can be done to adapt to the new realities facing the river, what actions are being taken, and why.

The Institute for Land, Water, and Air operates as a collaborative education partner, connecting reporters to resources for content creation. All editorial decisions are made independently by each member news organization in accordance with their respective editorial policies.

Flowing Colorado river in front of a plateau