College of Science Awards

Every year, faculty members and students who demonstrate exceptional achievement in mentorship, research, service, and other academic capacities are nominated for recognition at the department, college, and even university level. We are proud to recognize the following members of our department who have won such recognition at the College of Science level!

Dr. Steven Walsh

Dr. Steve Walsh - Undergraduate Research Mentor Award

The Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year award is given annually to faculty who demonstrate exceptional mentorship of undergraduate researchers. Dr. Steve Walsh, Assistant professor of Statistics and Data Science, has gone above and beyond in this field. He has encouraged and guided many students through the rigorous world of cutting-edge research and has even mentored one of our very own undergraduate researchers through publishing in a well-known academic journal.

C. Xavier Parent – Graduate Student Teacher of the Year Award

Each year, college deans are invited to nominate an outstanding graduate student teacher for recognition as the USU Graduate Student Teacher of the Year. Xavier, this year's winner in the College of Science, has absolutely excelled in the teaching field. His students not only learn from him but feel genuinely cared about and encouraged to succeed.

C. Xavier Parent
Dan Coster

Dr. Dan Coster – Faculty University Service Award

The Faculty University Service Award is given each year to recognize and encourage excellence in service to University operations and governance. Throughout his tenure with Utah State University, Dr. Coster has served in many capacities, heading many promotion & tenure committees, serving as interim associate department head, and acting as the Director of Statistics for the Mathematics & Statistics Department at USU. His service to the University and to the field of Statistics as a whole is exemplary, and we are proud to recognize him for his well-deserved award!

Dr. Nghiem Nguyen – Undergraduate Faculty Mentor Award

The Undergraduate Faculty Mentor of the Year Award is given each year to recognize and encourage excellence in student mentoring beyond standard classroom interaction. Nghiem Nguyen is an excellent mentor and enthusiastically helps his mentees succeed! We are grateful for his contributions to our undergraduates and proud to celebrate his accomplishments!

Nghiem Nguyen