Government Partnership Hub | Momentum

Empower Your Workforce to Upskill and Build Careers

As a federal or state institution, your team often deals with complex issues that impact many in the surrounding communities. With such important work it can be hard to find time to strengthen current skills or study more about issues you face daily. Combine hundreds of face-to-face, broadcast, and 100% online degrees and certificates with access to local support centers and staff to future-proof your team and enhance your critical thinking abilities when facing difficult problems to find meaningful, long-lasting solutions.

Gain vital support in preparing your workforce of today for tomorrow's challenges:

  • Develop technical vocabulary and industry-relevant knowledge.
  • Improve overall language and communication skills.
  • Develop critical thinking skills and logic.
  • Increase time management abilities and self-discipline.

A USU Solution for Your Every Unique Need

Each government agency is different, and so are the educational and professional development needs of your employees. Based on your unique profile and desired solutions, we will pull together a team of subject-matter experts from across our institution to help build and deliver mutally beneficial agreements, pathways, programs, student resources, and more. From insturctional design and classroom technology to scheduluing, fro academic advising to custom curriculums, our world-class staff and faculty are eager to collaborate and innovate for optimal solutions and excellent results.


Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

USU Supports You All the Way

Financial aid, scholarships & loan eligibility
Credit transfers from other universities
Online test proctoring
Online library access
Local campus resources
Academic Resource Center
Disability Resource Center
Veteran & military student resources
Career Services

Eager to Build Organizational Momentum? Talk to Rene.

Rene Eborn

Rene Eborn
Deputy of Digital Transformation and Associate Vice President
(435) 797-0198