Dr.  Shuang Xu

Department of Physics

Postdoctoral Fellow

Shuang Xu

Contact Information

Office Location: SER 220A
Email: xushuang9999@gmail.com
Additional Information:

Educational Background

B.S.  2016  Sun Yat-sen University
M.S.  2019  University of Science and Technology of China
Ph.D.  2023  Hampton University


Atmospheric gravity waves, Stratospheric dynamics, Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (MLT) region dynamics, Satellite data applications


Dr. Shuang Xu defended his PhD dissertation at Hampton University in October 2023. In his PhD project, he focused on understanding the physics and distribution of atmospheric gravity waves in the stratosphere and thermosphere under the guidance of Drs. James Russell, Sharon Vadas, and Jia Yue. His interests span various topics, including extreme weather events in both the troposphere and space weather, climate change, and the interactions between gravity waves and background. He is one of the student poster winners in CEDAR 2023.