June 26, 2020

Pick Up a New Hobby and Strengthen Your Mind

With the changes in the world due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many people have had to stay home instead of going about their normal daily routine. This has caused many people to not be able to engage in their normal hobbies and activities and fall into a rut of boredom. To escape this inactivity, many people have taken up other hobbies and learned new skills with their new free-time. Learning new skills is a great way to become more active within your own home, because it can have a significant impact on your mental health and well-being.

Physiologically, when you learn a new skill, your brain grows and is strengthened. As you learn something new, your brain cells become more myelinated, meaning the protective sheath around your neurons becomes denser. This myelination causes your brain cells to become thicker and stronger, contributing to better mental health and memory later in life. Learning a new skill also stimulates the neurons in your brain in specific patterns, forming new neural pathways in the brain. As these new pathways become ingrained in your brain’s neural map, they strengthen your neurons and allow electrical impulses to travel faster through your brain. This leads to quicker mental and physical reaction time and increased memory later on in life. Although some of these physical benefits from learning a new skill come when you first begin learning, many of the benefits come later on in life as your brain is better fortified against the mental strains of old age.

Learning a new skill can also have a positive impact on your mental health through developing new mindsets and thoughts. As you learn a new skill, you become more aware of yourself and your capabilities. Oftentimes, learning new things can be challenging and may not come as easy as you hoped. Through working at a new skill, your self-discipline grows and your sense of self develops as you’re able to view yourself gain abilities you didn’t see in yourself before. As you work to acquire new skills and hobbies, your mindset also changes as you are able to develop new ways of thinking that work with your new activities. By applying these new patterns of thoughts to different areas of your life, you will be better able to see different perspectives and approach problems from new angles than you had before. This can help you in all areas of life from solving problems at work to engaging more effectively with your family.

Overall, by developing new skills, you’ll be able to become healthier and stronger both mentally and physically as you exercise your mind each day. Whether it be learning a new language, picking up a new sport, starting a scrapbook, or learning to juggle, by developing your abilities through a new hobby, you’ll be able to better your health and well-being long into the future.
