SECTION IV-1. Associated Students of Utah State University (USUSA)

To aid in identifying the common needs of the students and to share in the development of the University, the University President and Board of Trustees support a student association, which is known as the Associated Students of Utah State University (USUSA). The form of the association is specified in a written constitution initiated by the students. Subsequent changes to the constitution shall not become effective until approved by the President of the University.

The University President, Board of Trustees, and State Board of Regents shall approve student fees and authorize their collection upon recommendation from the University Student Fee Board. The funds from the fees shall become available to the fee-receiving unit for its budgeting and expenditures. The procedures for encumbering and payment of the obligations shall be determined by the University Administration. Year-end balances shall be retained and managed by the University, for subsequent expenditures, by the fee-receiving unit


  1. Represents students' interests to the University Administration.
  2. Plans and administers social and recreational activities.
  3. Issues requisitions and encumbers monies for student functions.
  4. Appoints representatives to University committees on which students have been given membership.
  5. Registers student organizations and allows them certain privileges.
  6. Initiates and responds to proposed amendments to the Student Code and related statements of policy.

SECTION IV-2. Registration of Student Organizations

The University acknowledges that students desire to organize and to identify with academic, social, recreational, service, and other groups. The organizations may be as varied as students desire, but must not interfere with or interrupt the policies and purposes of the University or violate the law.

  1. All student organizations registered by USUSA are allowed to use University facilities and services in accordance with established policy. The activity for which the facility is requested cannot interfere with basic ongoing facility requirements.
  2. All registered organizations may apply for funding through USUSA in accordance with established policy.
  3. THE PROCEDURE FOR REGISTRATION OF STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS: Student organizations include clubs, groups, squads, societies, and other designations. The following procedures are required for all student organizations desiring registration:
    1. Registration is under the jurisdiction of the USUSA Organizations Vice President and is approved by the USUSA's Council of Student Clubs and Organizations (CSCO).
    2. Student organizations must register each year. Registration shall be valid from the date of approval until the end of the fourth week of the succeeding fall term.
    3. A student organization must file the following information with USUSA:
      1. Name of the organization.
      2. Names and titles of the officers.
      3. Purpose of the organization.
      4. Name of an advisor, if any. An advisor is not mandatory unless USUSA, in its sole discretion, expressly requires that the organization have an advisor.
      5. The name of any national affiliate organization and the names and addresses of the national affiliate officers.
      6. A constitution and/or written statement ensuring that only students matriculated with Utah State University may be officers in the organization and that two-thirds of voting membership will be comprised of Utah State University students. Upon request of honorary and/or professional societies, the USUSA Executive Council may waive this requirement, so that University faculty and staff may be included as officers and/or voting members.
    4. Written notification of any changes in items a. - f. above must be delivered to the USUSA Organizations Vice President within 10 days after the change is made.
  4. A student organization may have its registration suspended by USUSA or the Vice President for Student Affairs if:
    1. The organization submits falsified information.
    2. The organization violates any written policy of USUSA, University Standards, or any other University regulation, including the Student Code.
  5. No organization may have its registration denied or suspended on the grounds of its beliefs, attitudes, or goals; in particular, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, veteran's status, or sexual orientation.
  6. A decision by USUSA or the Vice President for Student Affairs to deny or suspend the registration of a student organization may be the basis for a grievance through the procedure described in Article VII.
  7. Fraternal organizations are student organizations subject to all provisions of this Article and operate under the USU Greek Intrafraternal and Panhellenic Councils. The councils shall function according to their constitutions, as approved by the Vice President for Student Affairs.
  8. Registered student organizations operate under the following conditions:
    1. Officers and members of the organization are subject to all policies promulgated by USUSA and to the Student Code.
    2. Members, officers, and advisors, if any, do not represent the University in an official capacity.
    3. Organizations are self-governing and are not subject to day-to-day direction by the University.
    4. University involvement in organizations will occur only when issues dealing with interpretation and/or infractions of the Student Code are required.
  9. When student organizations require a specific grade point average to maintain active membership, grades will be released by the University to the organization only when the organization presents a release form from the individual student member(s).

SECTION IV-4. University-owned Living Units

  1. Students residing in University-owned living units may organize to formulate and propose living unit policies.
  2. Policies and regulations proposed by the students for the living unit shall become effective upon approval of the Housing Office and the Vice President for Student Affairs.
  3. Regulations and the method of enforcement shall be printed and made available to residents.
  4. Violations of living unit policies and regulations may be either (1) referred to the Vice President for Student Affairs for appropriate disciplinary action under Article V, or (2) enforced under procedures adopted by the Housing Office. Such procedures may provide for an informal resolution by the Director of Housing. Informal resolutions of the Director of Housing may be appealed to a Board.

SECTION IV-5. Regulations Pertaining To Student Organizations

The following regulations shall apply to USUSA and to all student organizations.

  1. Student organizations that own or rent real property of any kind shall be responsible for its maintenance and for all activities that take place on such premises.
  2. Organizational activities that are held off campus or interfere with students' attendance at scheduled classes (the final examination period is considered part of the regularly scheduled class period) shall be regulated by the following:
    There is a new Excused Absence Policy that pertains to all students.
    1. For a competing group, one coached and financed by the University or USUSA for the purpose of competing with groups from other universities and colleges:
      1. The coach or supervisor of the competing group shall file a schedule of the semester's activities with the appropriate dean, director, or vice president at the beginning of each semester.
      2. One week prior to an intended activity, the coach or supervisor should file a roster of the participating students with the appropriate dean, director, or vice president stating the details and times of the proposed absence.
      3. Students should notify their instructors at least one week prior to any such planned absence.
      4. Students absent from class while engaged in activities of the competing group shall be permitted to make up missed assignments in a timely manner agreed upon by their instructors.
    2. For a performing group, one which has been requested by an appropriate office of the University to appear before an audience:
      1. The advisor or supervisor of the performing group shall file a schedule of the semester's activities with the appropriate dean, director, or vice president at the beginning of each semester.
      2. A roster of the performing students, the names of the supervisors or advisors, and the details and times of the activity should be submitted to the appropriate dean, director, or vice president one week prior to any such planned absence.
      3. Students should notify their instructors at least one week prior to any such absence.
      4. Students absent from class while engaged in activities of the performing group shall be permitted to make up missed assignments in a timely manner agreed upon by their instructors.
    3. For USUSA elected officers and their committee members, whose programs are financed by USUSA for the purpose of administering the responsibilities of an USUSA elected office:
      1. Approval must be received from the appropriate director or vice president one week prior to the activity. Short leave-time requests may be initiated by the University President, Provost, or the Vice President for Student Affairs.
      2. A roster of officers and their committee members, the name of the supervisor, and the purpose of an activity should be submitted to the appropriate director or vice president.
      3. Students should notify their instructors at least one week prior to any such absence.
      4. USUSA elected officers and their committee members who are absent from class while engaged in USUSA-related activities shall be permitted to make up missed assignments in a timely manner agreed upon by their instructors.
    4. For a scheduled class group, one directed by a departmental instructor for the purposes of a scheduled class, or a student participating in an academic activity (e.g., presentation of a paper or participation in an experiment):
      1. The instructor shall obtain approval from the academic dean, who shall concur that the activity is essential to the scheduled class group or student.
      2. In no case shall the academic dean grant permission to a student to be absent from other scheduled classes. It is the student's responsibility to contact each instructor for his or her classes one week prior to any absence to discuss the intended absences.
      3. Students shall be permitted to make up missed assignments in a timely manner agreed upon by their instructors.
      4. In situations of conflict, it is appropriate to work with the department head and dean to resolve the matter.
    5. For all other student organizations:
      1. A group registered by USUSA shall submit to the Vice President for Student Affairs a request to leave the campus, or otherwise miss scheduled classes, two weeks prior to the intended activity.
      2. All non-USUSA groups shall submit to their advisors a request to leave the campus, or otherwise miss scheduled classes, two weeks prior to the intended activity.
      3. A group granted permission to participate in an activity shall in no case be granted permission to be absent from classes by any person other than the class instructors.
      4. One week prior to an activity, students shall discuss the terms of intended absences with their instructors, who will decide what course of action should be taken.
    6. For all students interviewing for professional school, graduate school or internships:
      1. The student shall obtain approval from their academic advisor, who shall concur that the interview is essential to the student.
      2. It is the student’s responsibility to contact each instructor for his or her classes one week prior to any absence, providing documentation from the advisor.
      3. Students absent from class while attending such interviews shall be permitted to make up missed class work in a timely manner agreed upon by their instructors.
    7. For all students assisting in university recruiting and university development sponsored by either college ambassadors or university ambassadors:
      1. The student shall obtain approval from his or her respective ambassador advisor, who shall concur that the scheduled event is required of the student.
      2. It is the student’s responsibility to contact each instructor for his or her classes one week prior to any absence, providing documentation from the advisor.
      3. Students absent from class while attending such recruiting assignments shall be permitted to make up missed class work in a timely manner agreed upon by their instructors.
    8. Although the University administration shall not grant excuses from classwork, it shall intercede when an instructor refuses to permit a student to make up work missed while engaged in a competing group, in a performing group, as an USUSA officer or committee member, or in a scheduled class group. In such cases, the student may appeal to the department head, who shall, with the student's academic dean, intercede with the instructor for the student to make up missed work. The student may appeal to the Provost if necessary.
    9. Upon request, the appropriate dean, director, or vice president shall supply to instructors and students verification of student absences for participation in a competing group, in a performing group, as an USUSA elected officer or committee member, or in a scheduled class group.