For Disposal of Items

Please follow these steps to dispose of your surplus USU property:

  1. Download the Disposal Request form* from provided link. 
  2. Fill out the Disposal Request Form* Be sure to fill out either the Equipment Administrator or Business Manager info - This is our contact if we have questions. Check the Export Control or Federal box if this applies to the item. Be sure to include the Banner index number -A##### (Please verify the Index Number you are providing is able to recieve funds). Also include all of the items inventory numbers so that Equipment Management removes these items from your inventory.
  3. Download the printable Disposal Tag Sheet print them and tag items - This helps Surplus identify what items to pick-up and what items to leave.
  4. E-Mail the completed Disposal Request Form to Surplus will then add you to the pick-up scedule. Please make sure items are accessible or department personel are available when Surplus is picking up. Optionally you can bring your items and completed Disposal Request form to Surplus. Please let us know in advance when dropping off (We have equipment available to borrow if needed)  
  5. Instructions for items with pressurized coolant - (Example - Refridgerators, Freezers and Air Conditioners). If used in a lab setting, storing non-food items, or not working, they cannot be resold. If not working, it can be transferred to Surplus Sales where the coolant will be drained and the item used for scrap metal. USU Facilities can drain most items of this type - Contact them at 797-2083.
  6. VERY IMPORTANT - For Apple devices. The Apple ID must be removed from the device or we will be unable to process and resell them. Instructions on how to do this can be found at 

For any additional questions call 797-2083 or email us at
For full information on the storage and disposal of non-hazardous University equipment, materials and supplies, please refer to USU Policy 503

Links & Information

*Please do not fill out the Disposal Request Form on the webpage. All the information will disappear when you save it.