Bolder Way Forward for Utah

Arts & Music Impact Team                                                                                A Bolder Way Forward Logo

Recognizing and valuing women’s contributions in arts and music is crucial.  It is critical to bring greater visibility to the achievements of women artists across Utah by promoting, exhibiting, acquiring, preserving, and researching their art forms. As part of the “Culture” element on the rim of the BWF Wheel of Change, the Arts & Music Impact Team works with the leaders or a representative of each spoke to expand the impact of their efforts.


Tasha Iglesias

Tasha Iglesias

Educator and Activist
LinkedIn Profile

Dr. Tasha Iglesias is a Lecturer in the School of Education at USU, for the University of California, Riverside, and Southern New Hampshire University. Outside of academia, Iglesias serves as the President of the Hip Hop Association of Advancement and Education (HHAAE).

Campbell Helton

Campbell Helton

LinkedIn Profile

Campbell Helton is a student at Utah State University double majoring in Piano Performance/ Composition with violin emphasis, and minoring in Intersectional Gender Studies. She is passionate about improving the world for women through teaching, writing, and music. 

Natalie Petersen

Natalie Petersen

Deputy Director, UA&M
LinkedIn Profile

Natalie Petersen is the Assistant Director of the Utah Division of Arts and Museums. Petersen represents the division which seeks to advance Utahns’ quality of life through arts and museum experiences and cultural opportunities. 


Bold Vision

To make Utah a place where more girls and women can thrive, the Arts & Music Impact Team leaders, affiliates, and partners are currently working to craft a bold vision. The bold vision will help guide the 18 areas of focus as they develop their bold goals, measure outcomes, create dashboards, and create momentum for additional changes.

Are you and/or your organization interested in being involved in the Arts & Music Impact Team? If so, contact Tasha Iglesias ( with details about you/your entity and the current or future efforts you believe are aligned with this work. Thank you for your interest!