Bolder Way Forward for Utah

Childcare/Pre-K Programs                                                                           A Bolder Way Forward Logo

Utah families face significant challenges navigating the childcare landscape with issues related to accessibility, affordability, and quality complicating the very personal and critical decisions families face. The U.S. Department of the Treasury has identified a “market failure” in the childcare sector, indicating a disconnect between the current services and what’s in the best interest of children and families. The childcare industry operates as a private market where the cost for both consumers and childcare business owners limits the system’s ability to support families. Additionally, those who work in childcare often do not earn a living age. A Bolder Way Forward Childcare/Pre-K Programs spoke leaders, partners, and affiliates are working together to improve access to affordable, high-quality childcare and pre-K programs to ensure the long-term health and prosperity of Utah children, families, and the state. To learn more, check out the resource box below.

Spoke Leaders

Jamie Bitton

Jamie Bitton

Owner, Progressive Preschool
LinkedIn Profile

Jamie grew up in the childcare world and has a passion for advocacy work surrounding the industry. She is focused on creating a stronger foundational approach to community and workforce development through efforts made in finding solutions for families to follow their dreams.

Progressive Preschool









Bold Vision & Goals

To make Utah a place where more girls and women can thrive, the Childcare/Pre-K spoke leaders and partners have crafted the vision and goals below.

Vision: Ensure that affordable, accessible, and high-quality childcare and other early childhood development opportunities are available for all Utah families. 


  1. Improve affordability by working to increase Real State Childcare Funding. [Metric Dashboard]
  2. Influence affordability by increasing per child subsidies for centers with “High Quality” and “High Quality Plus” ratings. [Metric Dashboard]
  3. Improve accessibility for families continuing their education by working to increase the capacity of childcare facilities at Utah public institutions of higher learning by 5% per year per campus. [Metric Dashboard]
  4. Increase accessibility for employees of Utah’s 100 Companies Championing Women as reflected by the increased percentage of companies providing a childcare benefit. [Metric Dashboard]
  5. Partner with business owners to improve the quality of childcare provided by boosting the number of Licensed Childcare Centers with a “High Quality” and “High Quality Plus” ratings. [Metric Dashboard]
  6. Support the quality of Licensed Childcare Providers by taking steps toward raising the number of Licensed Family Programs and Licensed Childcare Centers. [Metric Dashboard]
  7. Change Utahns’ agreement (understanding and perceptions) in the following areas: [Metric Dashboard]
    1. Access to childcare is an issue that families face in Utah. [Increase agreement by 10% by 2026 and 20% by 2030]
    2. Childcare providers are professionals. [Increase agreement by 10% by 2026 and 20% by 2030]
    3. Childcare and Pre-K programs play an important role in early childhood education. [Increase agreement by 10% by 2026 and 20% by 2030]
    4. Government has a role in addressing childcare in Utah. [Increase agreement by 10% by 2026 and 20% by 2030]

Thriving Statement: Women and families thrive when they have access to affordable, quality childcare and other early childhood development opportunities.


Care for Kids Network

Early Childhood Alliance

Envision Utah

Promise Partnership

United Way of Salt Lake

Utah Child Care Cooperative (UC3)

Utah Community Builders




Rural Utah Child Development

Utah Community Action

Live Your Dream Foundation


Progressive Preschool

Working Group Leaders

  • Accessibility
  • Policy: Melanie Call (Childcare Activist)
  • Quality & Affordability
  • Research: Mackenzie Geneocov (Economic Development Specialist, U.S. Department of Commerce) 

Get Engaged: Ways to get engaged include inviting Childcare Spoke Leaders to speak to your organization about childcare issues and family-friendly workplace policies; volunteering to become a “Model Business” and commit to implementing childcare support and other family-friendly policies; providing funding for technology and business coaching to bolster women-owned childcare businesses in Utah; joining our monthly Care for Kids Network calls; and becoming involved in a working group within the Childcare Spoke. Thank you for your interest!

Lynne Burton

Lynne Burton 

Spoke Coordinator
LinkedIn Profile