Bolder Way Forward for Utah

Child Sexual Abuse                                                                                            A Bolder Way Forward Logo

The Child Sexual Abuse spoke is focused on dramatically decreasing the incidents of child sexual abuse in the state of Utah, as well as supporting those who have survived such abuse no matter their current age. The statistics tell us that thousands of Utah children—approximately 1 in 7—are sexually abused each year. Freeing individuals and society from child sexual abuse and its lasting impacts is one of the most important efforts that Utahns need to embrace to ensure residents experience safety and security—a basic human right. This spoke is part of the SAFE Coalition, which seeks to change Utahns’ perceptions of child sexual abuse and move them to act. Spoke leaders and affiliates believe that working together, we can protect Utah’s most valuable resource—its children. To learn more, check out the resource box below.

Spoke Leaders

Chris Yadon

Chris Yadon

Managing Director, Saprea
LinkedIn Profile

Chris Yadon is the Managing Director of Saprea. His specialties are operational efficiency, systems and process implementation, growth strategy, and market development and penetration. 

Prevent Child Abuse Utah

Laurieann Thorpe

Laurieann Thorpe

Executive Director, PCA Utah
LinkedIn Profile

Laurieann Thorpe is the Executive Director of Prevent Child Abuse Utah. She guides, directs, and oversees this nonprofit organization that works to end child abuse and to support stronger families in Utah. 

Heather Stewart

Heather Stewart

Deputy Director, CJCP

Heather Stewart is the Deputy Director of the Utah Children’s Justice Center Program. She manages the statewide forensic interview curriculum/training program, and provides consultation and expert witness services to prosecutors and child protection attorneys in Utah.

Utah Children's Justice Center

Malouf Foundation

Jake Neeley

Jake Neeley

Director, Malouf Foundation
LinkedIn Profile

Jake Neeley is the Executive Director of the Malouf Foundation. He oversees the strategic development and general management of company initiatives, focusing on program development and evaluation. 

Bold Vision & Goals

To make Utah a place where more girls and women can thrive, the Child Sexual Abuse spoke leaders and partners have crafted the vision and goals below. 

Vision: To significantly reduce child sexual abuse in the state of Utah. 


  1. Change Utahns’ agreement (understanding and perceptions) in the following areas: [Metric Dashboard]
    1. In your immediate community (e.g., neighborhood, family, faith, club, business), child sexual abuse is a problem. [Increase agreement by 15% by 2026 and 30% by 2030]
    2. Child sexual abuse is preventable. [Increase agreement by 10% by 2026 and 20% by 2030]
    3. Child sexual abuse is more prevalent in Utah than the national average. [Increase agreement by 10% by 2026 and 20% by 2030]
    4. I know where to find resources to help prevent child sexual abuse. [Increase agreement based on forthcoming metrics]. 
  2. Pass public policies aligned with best practices and research shown to prevent and reduce child sexual abuse. [Metric Dashboard]
  3. Conduct at least two academic comprehensive studies about child sexual abuse in Utah by 2030, to include (but not limited to): [Metric Dashboard
    1. The percentage of Utahns who understand that healthy relationships can mitigate the negative impacts of child sexual abuse.
    2. The percentage of Utahns who understand the potential long-term negative effects of child sexual abuse. 
  4. Expand child sexual abuse prevention education in Utah by connecting individual schools to providers/curriculum options, reaching 50% of elementary schools by 2026 and 100% by 2030. [Metric Dashboard]

Thriving Statement: Women and girls thrive when they have autonomy over their bodies and do not experience any type of child sexual abuse.


Malouf Foundation

Prevent Child Abuse Utah


The Utah Coalition For Protecting Childhood

Utah Children’s Justice Center Program

Voices for Utah Children

The Policy Project

Adair Evans, LLC

Family Haven


Working Group Leaders

Get Engaged: Ways to get engaged include learning more about child sexual abuse; participating in a working group within the spoke; supporting the fall symposium through attending, inviting others to attend, and providing financial support; and volunteering time and efforts to the nonprofits who are involved in this work. Thank you for your interest!

Alexa Simon


Alexa Simon

Spoke Coordinator
LinkedIn Profile