Upcoming Events


Strengthening Our Influence as Women: Confidence, Competence, and Leadership


This workshop is designed to help women learn how to strengthen their influence by learning more about confidence, the differences in confidence between men and women, and what we can do to strengthen it. Based on interviews conducted with top women leaders around the world, Dr. Madsen will also mention some of the challenges women face in becoming leaders and how they have navigated through them to become successful. She will also share research on imposter syndrome, women’s negative interactions with each other, and why more Utah women need to step into leadership roles. Applications to women at work in any setting and as entrepreneurs, employees, and emerging and current leaders will be threaded throughout the workshop. Registration & More Information.

10:00 am - 12:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

The Gender Wage Gap: Digging Deep into Understanding The Complexity

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project at Utah State University invites you to join us for our first Women’s Leadership Forum of the academic year. It is a panel discussion focused on understanding the wage gap issues in Utah. The gender wage gap is a persistent concern in the United States, where women make about 82% of what men make for comparable work. And the numbers in Utah are more extreme, where a woman earns approximately 71 cents for each dollar a man earns. In fact, year after year, Utah is consistently near the bottom of national rankings in terms of gender pay equity. Although the existence of the wage gap is indisputable, many try to discount it or attribute the entire gap to “women’s choices.”

In reality, the wage gap is deeply complicated, with dozens of contributing factors, including educational attainment, recruiting practices, negotiation success, hours worked, occupational segregation, and unpaid care work, not to mention unconscious bias and plain-old sexism. Our panel of experts will discuss some of the most important contributing factors, dig deeper into how the gap varies by race and other demographics, and evaluate major efforts to reduce the wage gap.

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Getting It Together: Body, Mind, and Spirit Self-Care in Tough Times


We are living in a remarkable time. The pandemic has shaken people throughout the world, disrupting familiar routines and practices and creating chaos to one degree or another in our lives. Whether you have been working from home or lost employment, found your work environment or family gatherings altered by social distancing, become your children’s/grandchildren’s school-at-home teacher, been overwhelmed by the daily reporting of statistics, or become sick or cared for someone who has become sick, daily life now offers significant added challenges and worries. While we soldier on trying to adjust to the “new now,” it is important that we practice good self-care to manage the impact of the stressors on our bodies, minds, and spirits. This workshop will engage participants in ways to live in the present moment, be open to a variety of perspectives, develop awareness of one’s breath, experience the practice of the “beginner’s mind,” discover ways to find and release tension in the body, and explore their own embodiment as a way to confirm wholeness and well-being. Wear comfortable clothing that allows for ease of movement and be prepared to nurture your whole self!

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Exploring the Intersectionality of Race & Gender

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Although 2020 will be known as the year of the global pandemic, it will also be recognized for years to come as the year of a dramatic shift in the discussion of race in America. This equality dialogue also builds on the ongoing discussion of women’s equity propelled by #MeToo movement in 2015. The Black Lives Matter and #MeToo movements have placed a spotlight on enduring racial and gender inequalities in the U.S. Both movements were launched by Black women who continue to call attention to the intersections between race and gender in shaping opportunity and justice in America. The purpose of this panel discussion is to explore these issues in the U.S. and Utah. Join us as we examine the lived experiences of women and girls of color and how they navigate politics, the workplace, education, and mental health services. The panel will also examine the roles of power and identity and how they contribute to the experience of marginalization and oppression for many women. Finally, we will turn to how we can all challenge race and gender norms, break stereotypes, empower each other, and learn to celebrate our similarities and differences. In addition, we will discuss how all of us can take action in ways that will respect and benefit everyone.

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Getting It Together: Body, Mind, and Spirit Self-Care in Tough Times (For women in Carbon, Emery, and Grand counties.)


This event is only for women living in Carbon, Emery, and Grand counties.

We are living in a remarkable time. The pandemic has shaken people throughout the world, disrupting familiar routines and practices and creating chaos to one degree or another in our lives. Whether you have been working from home or lost employment, found your work environment or family gatherings altered by social distancing, become your children’s/grandchildren’s school-at-home teacher, been overwhelmed by the daily reporting of statistics, or become sick or cared for someone who has become sick, daily life now offers significant added challenges and worries. While we soldier on trying to adjust to the “new now,” it is important that we practice good self-care to manage the impact of the stressors on our bodies, minds, and spirits. This workshop will engage participants in ways to live in the present moment, be open to a variety of perspectives, develop awareness of one’s breath, experience the practice of the “beginner’s mind,” discover ways to find and release tension in the body, and explore their own embodiment as a way to confirm wholeness and well-being.

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Women in the Money: Utah Financial Empowerment Conference


Women in the Money: Utah Financial Empowerment Conference is hosted by the Utah State Treasurer as an initiative of the Utah Financial Empowerment Coalition. The conference aims to empower Utah women to achieve financial security by providing access to crucial financial information, valuable resources, and new mentors and friends.

The conference serves Utah women from various walks of life. Women of all ages, cultures, and financial situations are invited to exchange ideas and grow together. The overarching message is that it is never too late, or too early, to learn about finances.

8:00 am - 3:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Utah Women in 2020: Challenges, Opportunities, and Next Steps

Panel Discussion/Presentation

For decades, Utah has been behind the nation in women’s economic empowerment, professional achievement, political representation, and the presence of women in leadership in all sectors. Yet we have been near the top of the nation’s rankings in areas like domestic violence, sexual assault, and cosmetic surgery. The Utah Women & Leadership Project, Salt Lake Tribune, and YWCA Utah have collected data that show where Utah women have ranked in the past and documents women’s own perceptions and experiences as well. This engaging panel discussion will unpack current research findings and focus on top-of-mind issues for Utah women in 2020: What are our most pressing challenges and promising opportunities? How is our rapidly changing world affecting women and girls in the state? And finally, what might be the next steps to strengthen the impact of women in Utah in all sectors, including home, church, business, schools, universities, and beyond? Join us for a lively discussion with experts on Utah women’s issues to gain deeper insights into where we have been, where we are going, and how you can personally engage in this important work.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

It’s in Our Genes (Segment 1, Understanding Gender for Educators & Parents)


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for Segment 1 of a 4-part webinar series titled "Why Gender Matters for Teachers & Parents: An In-Depth Exploration."

Why Gender Matters for Teachers & Parents: Segment 1 - It’s in Our Genes

Description: This webinar introduces educators and parents to research studies that can help them understand the biological distinctions between boys and girls, young men and young women, and men and women. Comprehending the inherent gender differences will help educators and parents integrate knowledge that can further maximize student learning and have the greatest impact on educational outcomes. We will explore how girls and boys see, smell, hear, and communicate similarly and differently, and how educators and parents can maximize the student’s innate abilities by creating responsive and dynamic learning environments.

8:00 am - 9:00 am | Online/Virtual |

Writing for the Popular Press: A Workshop for Utah Women


Whether it’s education, healthcare, the environment, politics, or the pandemic, our state is facing critical crossroads in so many areas, and Utah women have important insights and viewpoints about all of them. Yet in Utah, the majority of op-eds and other opinion pieces are still written by men. Why is it that so many Utah women do not state their opinions publicly? This workshop will provide insights on why you should write for the popular press and include tips and tools on how to discover what issues you can best write about. Holly and Heather will then help you learn to structure an op-ed, letter to the editor, blog post, solutions journalism piece, and other opinion pieces. The workshop will also include time spent in Zoom breakout rooms where you can discuss your ideas in a small group. During part of the second hour, Holly and Heather will split the attendees into two groups to answer questions and to provide more fine-tuned instruction. Finally, the full group will reconvene briefly so that the presenters can share final thoughts and discuss next steps. Join us for this event. You have a voice, and the popular press in Utah needs it!

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Understanding Differences (Segment 2, Understanding Gender for Educators & Parents)


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for Segment 2 of a 4-part webinar series titled "Why Gender Matters for Teachers & Parents: An In-Depth Exploration."

Why Gender Matters for Teachers & Parents: Segment 2 - Understanding Differences

Description: This webinar introduces educators and parents to research studies that can help them understand the biological and socialized distinctions between boys and girls, young men and young women, and men and women. Comprehending the inherent gender differences will help educators and parents integrate knowledge that can further maximize student learning and have the greatest impact on educational outcomes. We will explore how children, teens, and adults, interact with risk and aggression, social media, confidence, empathy, and race, ethnicity, and culture.

8:00 am - 9:00 am | Online/Virtual |

Building Girls and Boys into Healthy Adults (Segment 3, Understanding Gender for Educators & Parents)


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for Segment 3 of a 4-part webinar series titled "Why Gender Matters for Teachers & Parents: An In-Depth Exploration."

Why Gender Matters for Teachers & Parents: Segment 3 - Building Girls and Boys into Healthy Adults

Description: This webinar introduces educators and parents to research studies that can help them understand the biological and socialized distinctions between boys and girls, young men and young women, and men and women. Comprehending the inherent gender differences will help educators and parents integrate knowledge that can further maximize student learning and have the greatest impact on educational outcomes. We will discover how to build girls and boys into healthy adults by exploring tools to better understand how hormones, puberty, respect, friendship, sexual orientation, and gender fluidity effect and influence each child.

8:00 am - 9:00 am | Online/Virtual |

Feeling Like a Fraud: Navigating Perfectionism & Impostor Syndrome as Women

Panel Discussion/Presentation

“Feeling like a fraud” is an issue that many women grapple with. In fact, research confirms that most women experience impostor syndrome in one or more areas of their lives. Impostor syndrome is a phenomenon that causes women to doubt their accomplishments or talents and have a persistent fear of being exposed as unqualified, even when there is ample evidence that they are competent. Perfectionism is one of the primary factors underlying this common experience, and it can negatively impact a woman’s confidence as well. Bringing in research findings, Dr. Susan R. Madsen will moderate a lively and engaging panel of Utah women leaders to discuss what causes impostor syndrome and perfectionism, why these challenges are so common among women specifically, and how we can more effectively navigate these experiences. By learning how to mitigate the negative effects of perfectionism and impostor syndrome, women can increase feelings of self-worth and confidence, strengthen aspirations and ambitions to lead, and become inspired to more fully engage in the community (locally, nationally, globally) as a support to other women and girls.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Emotional Wellbeing for Young Women: Understanding Your Brain, Body, and Behavior


Join Dr. Christy Kane for this no-nonsense workshop on mental health for high school-aged young women. She will discuss some of the common emotional challenges that teens struggle with today. In today’s culture of constant social comparison, becoming more emotionally mature is an especially critical topic. Dr. Kane will discuss this from the perspective of how our brains work and how that impacts our lives. She will help unpack some underlying beliefs and thought processes around body image, anxiety and depression, and other emotional struggles, which will help increase mental health stability. Understanding the science behind why the brain does certain things can help create more effective thinking patterns and results in more positive choices moving forward. She will conclude by sharing strategies and tools that can help young women thrive.

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Incorporating Gender into Teaching & Learning (Segment 4, Understanding Gender for Educators & Parents)


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for Segment 4 of a 4-part webinar series titled "Why Gender Matters for Teachers & Parents: An In-Depth Exploration."

Why Gender Matters for Teachers & Parents: Segment 4 - Incorporating Gender into Teaching & Learning

Description: This webinar introduces educators and parents to research studies that can help them understand the biological and socialized distinctions between boys and girls, young men and young women, and men and women. Comprehending the inherent gender differences will help educators and parents integrate knowledge that can further maximize student learning and have the greatest impact on educational outcomes. We will pull together the information provided in the prior three webinars to help educators and parents effectively manage bullying, discipline, classrooms, learning, and mindset that could be utilized in classrooms and learning settings for learners of all ages.

8:00 am - 9:00 am | Online/Virtual |

A Fireside Chat with Sheri Dew on Women and Leadership

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our first Spring Women’s Leadership Forum.

Sheri Dew, internationally recognized author, speaker, and leader is well-known for her engaging stories, forthright advice, and her passion around the potential of girls and women in Utah and around the world. In this engaging fireside chat, she will respond to questions about her own leadership development journey and provide her insights and perspectives on why, where, and how women today are needed to influence, impact, and lead in all settings. Come, listen, and learn from this important conversation!

This event is open to all girls/women and those who influence them (this includes men too). Register now.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

What Is Your Money Personality Type?


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our first spring workshop of the academic year.

The year 2020 was a tough money year for many women and families. So, how can we come back in 2021 recommitted with an increased sense of purpose around money management? One way is to take a deeper dive into understanding your own money personality. Our money personalities directly or indirectly affect every money decision we make. Join Amanda for this engaging workshop to better understand what types of money personality you have. Each personality has strengths, but each also may have a downside you may need to curb. This one-hour workshop is for women of all ages and backgrounds who want help increasing their financial wellness in 2021! Register now!

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

UWLP: Stopping Violence Against Utah Girls & Women

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our second Spring Women’s Leadership Forum.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, reports from those on the front lines indicate that all types of violence against women and girls has intensified. Did you know that one in four girls is sexually abused before age 18 — that’s an estimated 42 million women in the United States. Violence against women remains largely unreported due to the impunity, silence, stigma, and shame surrounding it. Most survivors keep the abuse a secret for many years, and most don’t talk about the abuse until adulthood. As survivors carry the weight of their abuse, they often struggle with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, insomnia, panic attacks, addiction, learning difficulties, chronic pain, and unhealthy relationships. Dr. Susan R. Madsen and panelists will present research and data as they discuss the realities of this kind of violence in Utah.

Ending violence against women is everyone’s business. Register to learn how you can support survivors and how you can do your part to protect girls and women from violence and sexual abuse.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

More Than a Body: Building Body Image Resilience


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our second spring workshop of the academic year.

Our beauty-obsessed world perpetuates the idea that happiness, health, and the ability to be loved are dependent on how we look, but Lindsay and Lexie Kite offer an alternative vision. With insights drawn from their extensive body image research, Lindsay and Lexie—PhDs, founders of the nonprofit Beauty Redefined, and authors of the new book More Than a Body—lay out an action plan that arms you with the skills you need to reconnect with your whole self and free yourself from the constraints of self-objectification.

From media consumption to health and fitness to self-reflection and self-compassion, Lindsay and Lexie share powerful and practical advice that goes beyond “body positivity” to help develop body image resilience—all while cutting through the empty promises sold by media, advertisers, and the beauty and weight-loss industries. In the process, they show how facing your feelings of body shame or embarrassment can become a catalyst for personal growth.

Register to join.

6:00 pm - 7:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

When Women Don’t Speak: What It Takes for Women To be Heard

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our third Spring Women’s Leadership Forum.

Drs. Jessica Preece and Christopher Karpowitz will present their groundbreaking research that shows what it takes for a woman to truly be heard. After years spent analyzing lab and real-life settings to determine what it takes for a woman to truly be perceived as competent and influential, they discovered that for women, having a seat at the table does not mean having a voice. They will discuss their research that has found that women are systematically seen as less authoritative and that their influence is systematically lower. And when they speak up, they are interrupted and not listened to as much.

So, what can be done? This engaging presentation will provide tips and strategies that can help all women understand what it takes for women to be heard and viewed as influential. Women of all ages (and those who influence them) are welcome to listen, learn, and ask questions in the chat! Register now!

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Rising Athenas, Male Allies, and the Power of Gender Partnership

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our fourth Spring Women’s Leadership Forum.

The authors of the Harvard Business Review books Athena Rising and Good Guys will make the business case for male engagement in gender equality, showing why men are often absent from gender equity work and why genuine equity is good for both men and women. Using social science evidence and their extensive interviews with women (and the men they nominated), they will explore the possible challenges of cross-gender professional relationships. Using their research and organizational best practices, they will provide the “how to” for men, women, and organizational leaders who want to be intentional, inclusive, and excellent allies, leveraging mentorship, sponsorship, and workplace partnership to create a more diverse workforce.

RVSP to attend.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Designing Corporate Women’s Networks, Initiatives, and Leadership Programs


This online workshop is designed specifically for company representatives who are interested in creating, designing, developing or restructuring women’s networks, groups, programs, and/or other initiatives in their organizations. Current and future leaders of women’s groups/networks and corporate leaders involved in these strategic initiatives are invited to participate. Based on the latest research, Dr. Madsen will teach attendees about the types of efforts, programs, and designs that have shown to be effective in supporting and advancing women in workplace settings. The morning will consist of engaging presentations, small group conversations, and individual activities. This Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) offering is designed to provide attendees with 1) tools to design and develop effective programs and initiatives, 2) opportunities to network with those doing similar work in other companies, and 3) resources to help Utah employees obtain additional career development experiences and opportunities in the community.

RSVP required to attend.

8:00 am - 11:00 am | Online/Virtual |

A Conversation on the Impact of COVID-19 on Utah Women and Work

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our first Fall Women’s Leadership Forum.

The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020–2021 has impacted all Utahns in profound ways. Yet, a host of national and global reports have argued that women’s employment and careers have been disproportionately impacted during this time. To better understand Utah women’s experiences specifically, UWLP researchers conducted an extensive, in-depth survey focusing on the impacts of COVID-19 on women and work. This comprehensive study included the collection of data on a wide variety of topic areas and included both quantitative and open-ended questions to capture participants’ perceptions and experiences. Over 3,500 Utah women responded to the survey. Study researchers will discuss the findings from this research, particularly focusing on burnout, hope, career advancement challenges, childcare, homeschooling, caregiver experiences, physical and mental health struggles, and more. Come, listen, and learn from this important conversation!

Register to join.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

2021 Utah Women's Organizations Network (UWON) Gathering (invitation only)


This event is by invitation only for leaders of a women’s network, group, or organization in Utah and is co-hosted by the Utah Women & Leadership Project and One Utah Roadmap (Utah Governor’s Office).

The Younique Foundation will be sponsoring the 2021 UWON gathering (5th year), and it will be held on Friday, September 17, 2021 (11:30am-2:00pm) at their location near Thanksgiving Point in Lehi. We welcome one representative from each group to attend.

We will begin by serving lunch and then will do welcomes, introductions, and quick updates of new resources available for your groups. We’ll then share information slides about each of the groups in attendance, while introducing the representatives from each group, so we can recognize each other. We’ll then split up into 7-9 groups to wrestle through some critical questions that will help both your networks, the UWLP, and the state of Utah in efforts moving forward. Finally, we’ll meet back together to debrief the smaller discussion sessions and discuss next steps.

Contact uwlp@usu.edu with questions.

11:30 am - 2:00 pm |

A Fireside Chat with Lt. Governor Deidre Henderson on Women and Leadership

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our second Fall Women’s Leadership Forum.

Deidre M. Henderson, Utah’s ninth Lieutenant Governor, is well-recognized in Utah for her political leadership for eight years in the Utah State Senate. She gained a reputation as a strong conservative, a champion for government transparency, and a vocal advocate for women and families. In this engaging fireside chat, she will respond to questions about her own leadership development journey and provide her insights and perspectives on why, where, and how women today are needed to influence, impact, and lead in all settings. Come, listen, and learn from this important conversation! This event is open to all girls/women and those who influence them (this includes men too).

Register to join.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm |

How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion, or Job

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Women’s distinctive strengths and behaviors provide them with many advantages. Yet the very habits that help them early in their careers can hold them back as they seek to rise. In this virtual seminar, Sally Helgesen draws on her work with legendary executive coach Marshall Goldsmith to help women identify and address the habits most likely to get in their way as they seek to move to a higher level. Using vivid real-life examples that resonate and inspire, Sally helps participants:

- Identify how specific habits may hinder them as they move to a higher level.
- Initiate simple behavioral changes that can smooth their path going forward.
- Hold themselves accountable for changes that can benefit them and their organizations.
- Become a more powerful resource for other women seeking to rise.

Participants will come away from this forum with an enhanced understanding of their individual strengths, an actionable template for identifying and addressing challenges going forward, a proven means for enlisting support, and tools for enhancing their visibility and connections.

Registration required to attend.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

A UWLP Book Club: Invisible Women - Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men


Late fall is the time of year to pull up a blanket, pour a cup of hot chocolate or tea, and dive into a book. The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to cozy up and dive in with us in our first inaugural learning circle focused on book readings. UWLP selects well-resourced, invigorating books that will help Utah women better understand fundamental issues that affect them, and host discussions that will foster community and inspire change. You must agree to attend all three sessions; you’ll have the same facilitator and group for each session. Registration for this event is now closed.

The first book will be: Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez. This is an awesome book, and the conversations will be enlightening. Sign up and plan to join us for this learning experience!

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Strengthening Your Emotional Health as Women

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our fourth Fall Women’s Leadership Forum.

More than ever before, our emotional health as women is critical to being able to not just “get through” or “endure” the responsibilities of a myriad of life roles but be able to flourish and thrive. Challenges related to things like stress, exhaustion, perfectionism, depression, anxiety, and the feeling of not being “good enough” can halt your positive growth and development. Dr. Susan R. Madsen, founder of the Utah Women & Leadership Project, will moderate a lively and engaging panel of therapists, authors, and experts on this topic. Julie Hanks, Tiffany Roe, and Melanie Davis will discuss the overall components of emotional wellbeing, trends in women’s mental health, and many of the top challenges that women are facing today. They will share their professional insights on top strategies and tools that can help women move from enduring to thriving. We will integrate questions from the audience as well. All are welcome!

RSVP to attend.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Childcare Symposium: Practices, Policies, and Strategies to Move Utah Forward

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Utah families and a growing number of employers often name access to high-quality, affordable childcare as a key barrier to prosperity in our state, especially for low- and moderate-income families. The questions then become: How can we increase childcare access and affordability in Utah so our families and workplaces can thrive? Why is this topic becoming more and more important for employers today? What childcare resources can employers provide to their workers? What public policies can help families and employers in Utah regarding childcare? What are policy challenges and opportunities? What are general challenges, strategies, and solutions for Utah families regarding childcare? Overall, this two-hour online symposium will focus on practices, policies, and strategies that can move Utah forward.

Register to attend.

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Salary Negotiation for Women: The Latest Research & Cutting-Edge Best Practices

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Women face unique challenges when it comes to negotiating. Research continues to confirm that the gender wage gap persists even when taking into consideration job level, differences in preferences, and family leave. Gender differences in salary negotiations could be one of several determinants of perpetual gender differences in labor market outcomes. Yet, this gap is multi-dimensional and complex.

Three internationally known scholars will share their research on salary negotiation for women as it relates to gender differences and challenges. They will also offer research-based skills, tools, and strategies that will not only assist women in negotiating more effectively but will also benefit managers and leaders who are focused on addressing Utah’s vast talent shortage by recruiting and retaining more women employees.

Register to attend.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Relaunching Your Career: Tools & Strategies for Women Returning to the Workforce

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Many Utah women take career breaks for various reasons, including raising children, assisting with elder care, and managing other responsibilities. Eventually, many women want to relaunch their careers, whether it is full-time, part-time, or even contract work. Yet, relaunching is intimidating for so many women. Often, we feel that we are not prepared for professional work after being at home and outdated in terms of skills, competencies, and professional networks. Don’t lose hope because you are more prepared than you think!

This engaging panel of experts and launchers will provide experiences, insights, tools, tips, and strategies for women returning to the workforce—whether you are thinking about it or already have a “job” but want a “career.” Join us as we discuss how to be successful in relaunching your career! Register to attend.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Conflict Management for Women: Skills, Strategies, and Solutions


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our Spring Workshop.

Is what you are doing in conflict working for you? Are you getting what you hope for? Are you able to cultivate connection, cooperation, trust, or peace? Clair and Carlee have spent the last five years gathering research, testing ideas, and training learners on what really works for managing conflict. From this work, they have developed a framework that creates a new mindset and language for approaching conflict.

This new mindset can transform how relationships, businesses, and communities prosper and thrive when there is resistance, discord, or clashing values. This framework has shifted how thousands of individuals view and engage in conflict. Join us for a workshop designed for women to learn specific skill sets, strategies, and processes that help find flow and peace in conflict.

Register to attend.

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

International Women’s Day Celebration: Utah Women Learn, Lead, & Lift

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Even though Utah has such a powerful history of women using their voices to change society for the better, in recent years Utah has consistently been ranked as one of the worst states for women’s equality. However, Utah women are now emerging in vital ways that lift homes, schools, workplaces, communities, and society at large. As Margaret Mead famously stated, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." As more Utah women collectively strive to use their unique gifts and capacities in ways that can positively transform society, all Utahns can rise together.

This event will be hosted and moderated by Nubia Pena (Senior Advisor for Equity & Opportunity to the Cox-Henderson Administration) and Dr. Susan Madsen (Founding Director, Utah Women & Leadership Project, Utah State University). This one hour power-packed event will have many speakers from diverse backgrounds who will share their thoughts on learning, leading, and lifting. RSVP today!

9:00 am - 10:00 am | Online/Virtual |

Perspectives on Women’s Leadership from Prominent Utah Women of Faith

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our third Spring Women’s Leadership Forum. Utah is home to many prominent women leaders within a variety of faith traditions. This Forum will bring together four of these individuals to discuss their perspectives on women’s leadership and why, where, and how women today are needed to influence, impact, and lead in all settings.

They will also discuss how girls, young women, and women can prepare now to become leaders themselves. Dr. Susan R. Madsen, founder of the Utah Women & Leadership Project, will moderate this engaging panel of community leaders. Come prepared to ask questions and to listen and learn from these influential women! This event is open to all girls/women and those who influence them (this includes men too).

Register to attend.

6:00 pm - 7:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Career Exploration for Girls and Women: Law & Nonprofit

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our fourth Spring Women’s Leadership Forum.

This final Women’s Leadership Forum of the semester is geared toward introducing career opportunities to Utah girls and women in two fields: law and nonprofit. It is specifically designed for young women in middle- and high school, as well as college students and women returning to college later in life. This Zoom webinar will consist of two panels consisting of professional women who have focused their careers in these areas in various ways. Judges, lawyers, and nonprofit executives will share their experiences and insights about choosing to work within their chosen fields.

By understanding different career options with more clarity, we hope you can make more informed decisions about college majors and your potential professional contributions in the future. Join us as we discuss what you can do now to set your course—whether full-time, part-time, or volunteer work—for a possible career in the legal and nonprofit professions.

Register to attend.

6:00 pm - 7:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Building Emotional Resilience in Girls and Young Women


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our Spring Workshop.

It’s been a tough couple of years for young people, and our girls and young women have some unique challenges, including poor body image, toxic perfectionism, and a tendency to compare. How can you build resilience in young women? How can you teach them to find peace and walk with hope? So many of us also feel like we are drowning ourselves. Adolescent researcher Dr. Jennifer Doty, and clinician Jessica Peterson, share principles of resilience that can be applied to the challenges that girls, young women, and their influencers face: self-compassion, finding purpose, finding balance, and authentic connection.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

How Women Can Budget to Survive Inflation


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our first Fall workshop of the academic year.

So far 2022 has been a tough money year for many women and families. So, how can we strategize how we spend with an increased sense of purpose around money management? One way is to examine practical strategies and tools for cutting expenses and budgeting for expected, irregular expenses. Join Amanda for this engaging workshop to learn about what strategies we can implement during times of high inflation to make room in our budget for both wants AND needs. This one-hour workshop is for women of all ages and backgrounds who want help increasing their financial wellness in 2022!

Register to attend.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

The Status & Experiences of Utah Women of Color

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our first Fall Women’s Leadership Forum.

As Utah continues to become more diverse, it is critical that we understand the status and experiences of girls and women within all social and identity groups – including race and ethnicity. To this end, the Utah Women & Leadership Project published five research snapshots that documented the available data on Utah women in the following ethnic/race categories: Pacific Islander, Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, and American Indian/Alaskan Native. The UWLP team also hosted 11 community conversations—two for women in each of these categories and one with New American women. These were then summarized in a series of short reports. This event brings together accomplished women who represent each race/ethnic group to share and discuss these reports and their own observations, experiences, and insights being women of color in the state. This panel will also discuss how to best move forward to support and empower girls and women of color in Utah.

Register to attend.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

UWLP Book Club: How Women Rise By Sally Helgesen & Marshall Goldsmith


Dates & Times:
Session 1 Afternoon: Thu, Oct. 6, 2022, 12:00-1:00pm
Session 1 Evening: Thu, Oct. 6, 2022, 7:30-8:30pm
Session 2 Afternoon: Thu, Nov. 10, 2022, 12:00-1:00pm
Session 2 Evening: Thu, Nov. 10, 2022, 7:30-8:30pm

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our fall book club. Across two sessions, we will discuss Helgesen and Goldsmith’s book How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion, or Job.

Helgesen and Goldsmith “see that women face specific and often different roadblocks from men as they advance in the workplace.” They identify 12 habits that may hold women back, such as reluctance to claim their achievements, and building rather than leveraging relationships. Helgesen and Goldsmith weave together research findings and stories to describe each habit and explain how to build new strategies. Whether you are in the workforce or not, these book club discussions will challenge your thinking and help you consider expanding your positive influence in Utah.

Register to attend.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Effecting Societal Change for Child Sexual Abuse


Child sexual abuse is a silent epidemic in our country, and Utah is no exception. One in five children is sexually abused by the age of 18. How do we make substantive headway on eliminating child sexual abuse from our communities? Join elected officials, nonprofit leaders, and academic researchers/university administrators for discussions surrounding what we can collectively change to keep our kids safer. Register to attend.

8:00 am - 11:30 am |

Hacks to Help Women Maximize Income and Minimize Expenses


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our second Fall workshop of the academic year.

Many women and families have goals they want to achieve and would like their spending to reflect what matters most to them. So, how can we strategize how we spend so we can still achieve our goals even during times of high inflation? One way is to develop new spending and savings habits so we can maximize our income and minimize our expenses. Join Vincenza for this engaging workshop to learn about what practical strategies we can implement during times of high inflation to achieve all our financial goals. This one-hour workshop is for women of all ages and backgrounds who want help increasing their financial wellness in 2022!

Register to attend.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Biases, Barriers, & Barricades for Utah Women: A Solutions-Based Workshop


Although some opportunities abound for women in Utah, there are still many challenges that keep women from contributing and thriving within various settings, including workplaces, educational institutions, politics, government, religious, and in the community at large. This in-person solutions-based workshop will focus on three complex issues in the state: decreasing sexism, increasing women in Utah politics, and stopping sexual assault and domestic violence.

This engaging workshop consists of short panels for each of these issues. After each panel, participants will join in a small groups discussion where ideas for solutions will be discussed and captured. Join us in person as we wrestle through ways to move the needle in terms of biases, barriers, and barricades for Utah women! This event has limited seating. Register to reserve your spot.

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm |

Utah Women Run Fall Social


Real Women Run is now Utah Women Run. But our mission to help women participate more fully in civic life is still the same. New name, new location, same mission to engage women in the political process! Please join us in Celebrating Utah Women Run! Featuring our Honored Guests: Becky Edwards & Rebecca Chavez Houck November 15th 6:00-8:00 The Hinckley Institute of Politics 260 S Central Campus Drive Gardner Commons RM 2018 SLC, UT 84112 Honoring all women who have been engaged in the political process and encouraging more to take action.

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm |

Ditch Your Debt and Transform Your Net Worth


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our first Spring workshop of the academic year.

Ditching debt is a powerful way to increase net worth, reduce stress surrounding money, and increase capacity to save and invest for your future. Net worth is a great big-picture measurement of your financial situation. It can take day-to-day work to increase your net worth, but there is a free tool available to help you become debt free! Join Melanie Jewkes, Utah State University Extension Professor, as she guides you on your transformational money journey.

Free - Register Online in Advance Here

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Teaching Your Child Consent


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our second Spring workshop of the academic year.

Consent is about so much more than sex. Practicing and honoring consent is essential to navigating relationships and interactions throughout our lives. This discussion explores the powerful principles of consent and how they can help us empower children, foster healthy relationships in our families, and reduce the risk of sexual abuse.

Free - Register Online in Advance

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Advancing Women Through “Developmental Relationships”: A Dialogue with Global Experts

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for this Spring Women’s Leadership Forum.

Over the past 40 years, research has shown that “developmental relationships” facilitate career success, particularly for leaders. In addition, multiple developers (e.g., mentors, sponsors, or peers) enhance individuals’ learning, growth, and advancement. Globally recognized experts, Drs. Murphy and Kram have studied leadership, identity, and positive relationships at work to provide a foundation for understanding how to advance women through developmental relationships. In an interactive discussion with Dr. Susan R. Madsen, they will talk about five specific types of developmental relationships that are critical for developing women leaders: mentors, sponsors, peers, executive coaches, and learning partners. These relationships provide a range of supportive functions that both challenge and enable women to learn and thrive as they advance. The discussion will also cover strategies for individual women crafting these developmental relationships and ways that organizations can create and sustain a climate that fosters these connections.

Free - Register Online in Advance

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Teen Girls Experiencing Increased Sadness and Violence: A Discussion with Utah Experts

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our second Spring Women’s Leadership Forum.

According to a recently released Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report, nearly 3 in 5 (57%) U.S. teen girls felt persistently sad or hopeless in 2021—double that of boys, representing a nearly 60% increase and the highest level reported over the past decade. It also discusses findings that teen girls are experiencing record high levels of violence, sadness, and suicide risk. LGBQ+ youth are at high risk as well. Dr. Susan Madsen will be moderating a panel with Utah mental health professionals—Drs. Christy Kane, Gina Hales, and Jenet Jacob Erickson—as well as the founder of Provo Girls Summit, Tanei Atagi Henry, who will discuss these concerning findings as they relate to girls and young women in the state of Utah. In addition to discussing the research findings, they will also share practical solutions on how parents, educators, religious leaders, and other influencers can strengthen girls and young women today.

Register to attend

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

“A Bolder Way Forward” Launch Event


This event is the formal launch of Utah’s “A Bolder Way Forward” (BWF), which focuses on making Utah a place where more girls and women can thrive in any setting (e.g., home, workplace, congregation, and community). This initiative focuses on creating change in Utah faster, better, and more effectively.

National and statewide studies continue to show that women and girls in Utah are not thriving in critical areas. Year after year, Utah continues to have high levels of domestic violence, sexual assault, child sexual abuse, and gender-based discrimination, while also ranking as the worst state for women’s equality and having low levels of women’s leadership representation in nearly all domains, including politics and business. Although the needle has moved slightly in a few areas, with its current trajectory it will take two, three, or even four decades to make notable progress. It is time for Utah to embrace a BWF, because when we lift Utah girls and women, we lift all Utahns!

Come and join us for this gathering to learn more and then dig in during the working lunch to dialogue about how to move forward and identify critical next steps. Be part of the solution!

9:00 am - 1:00 pm |

A Bolder Way Forward for Utah

Panel Discussion/Presentation

National and statewide studies continue to show that women and girls in Utah are not thriving in critical areas. Year after year, Utah continues to have high levels of domestic violence, sexual assault, child sexual abuse, and gender-based discrimination, while also ranking as the worst state for women’s equality and having low levels of women’s leadership representation in nearly all domains, including politics and business. Although the needle has moved slightly in a few areas, with its current trajectory it will take two, three, or even four decades to make notable progress. It is time for Utah to embrace A Bolder Way Forward (BWF). When we lift Utah girls and women, we lift all Utahns!

The BWF is framed around systems thinking, which is that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” In Utah, we have been working on related efforts for too long using the “parts” strategy; we need to shift and move together as a system. If we are serious about ensuring that Utah women and girls thrive, we need to create change by 2030, with a check point in 2026. Dr. Susan Madsen will give an overview of the BWF and then be joined by Nubia Peña and Jennifer Smith for further discussion about the BWF.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Understanding Sexism in Utah

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our second Fall Women’s Leadership Forum on Understanding Sexism in Utah. Dr. Susan R. Madsen will moderate a panel comprised of Robbyn Scribner (Co-Founder & Director of Outreach, Tech-Moms), Deneiva Knight (CEO, EluVen Ventures), and Heather Sundahl (Marriage and Family Therapist, Progressive Paths Therapy).

Sexism takes many forms, from blatant and aggressive to unintentional and subtle. Learning more about how it manifests can help each of us learn to respond in more productive ways whether we experienced it personally or are a bystander. Speaking up against sexism can be a powerful force for reducing gender inequity. By raising awareness of the widespread occurrence and damaging effects of sexist language, comments, beliefs, and behaviors, we can reduce the frequency of sexism in our workplaces, neighborhoods, communities, and the state.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Women in Leadership Executive Speaker Series - Higher Education

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you step into a world of inspiration and empowerment with its Women in Leadership: Executive Speaker Series. This series is a celebration of dynamic and influential women who have shattered glass ceilings in the corporate landscape in Utah. This specific event focuses on women leaders in higher education. Dr. Susan R. Madsen will be moderate a discussion with Dr. Deneece Huftalin, president of Salt Lake Community College, and Mindy Benson, president of Southern Utah University.

11:30 am - 12:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Women in Leadership Executive Speaker Series - State Government

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you step into a world of inspiration and empowerment with its Women in Leadership: Executive Speaker Series. This series is a celebration of dynamic and influential women who have shattered glass ceilings in the corporate landscape in Utah. This specific event focuses on women leaders in state government. Dr. Susan R. Madsen will be moderate a discussion with Nubia Peña, Senior Advisor on Equity and Opportunity, and Director of the Utah Division of Multicultural Affairs, and Sophia DiCaro, Executive Director for the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget and Senior Advisor to the Governor.

11:30 am - 12:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Women in Leadership Executive Speaker Series - Nonprofit Organizations

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you step into a world of inspiration and empowerment with its Women in Leadership: Executive Speaker Series. This series is a celebration of dynamic and influential women who have shattered glass ceilings in the corporate landscape in Utah. This specific event focuses on women leaders in nonprofit organizations. Dr. Susan R. Madsen will be moderate a discussion with Emily Bell McCormick, Founder and President of The Policy Project, and Kristin Andrus, Community Champion.

10:00 am - 11:00 am | Online/Virtual |

Women in Leadership Executive Speaker Series - Tech Fields

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you step into a world of inspiration and empowerment with its Women in Leadership: Executive Speaker Series. This series is a celebration of dynamic and influential women who have shattered glass ceilings in the corporate landscape in Utah. This specific event focuses on women leaders in the tech industry. Dr. Susan R. Madsen will be moderate a discussion with Cydni Tetro, CEO of Brandless, and Becki Wright, Founder and CEO of Proximity.

11:30 am - 12:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Women in Leadership Executive Speaker Series - Nontraditional Fields

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you step into a world of inspiration and empowerment with its Women in Leadership: Executive Speaker Series. This series is a celebration of dynamic and influential women who have shattered glass ceilings in the corporate landscape in Utah. This specific event focuses on women leaders in non traditional fields. Dr. Susan R. Madsen will be moderate a discussion with Trina Higgins, United States Attorney for the District of Utah, and Ally Isom, Vice President and Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer for Clyde Companies.

11:30 am - 12:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Women in Leadership Executive Speaker Series - News Media

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you step into a world of inspiration and empowerment with its Women in Leadership: Executive Speaker Series. This series is a celebration of dynamic and influential women who have shattered glass ceilings in the corporate landscape in Utah. This specific event focuses on women leaders in the news media. Dr. Susan R. Madsen will be moderate a discussion with Ruth Todd, Executive Vice President and Chief Content Officer for Bonneville International, and Melanie Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Utah Business.

11:30 am - 12:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Women in Leadership Executive Speaker Series - Healthcare

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you step into a world of inspiration and empowerment with its Women in Leadership: Executive Speaker Series. This series is a celebration of dynamic and influential women who have shattered glass ceilings in the corporate landscape in Utah. This specific event focuses on women leaders in healthcare. Dr. Susan R. Madsen will be moderate a discussion with Dr. Donna Milavetz, Chief Medical Officer for Regence BlueCross BlueShield, and Dr. Gina Hawley, Chief Operating Officer for the University of Utah Health.

11:30 am - 12:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Women in Leadership Executive Speaker Series - Finance

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you step into a world of inspiration and empowerment with its Women in Leadership: Executive Speaker Series. This series is a celebration of dynamic and influential women who have shattered glass ceilings in the corporate landscape in Utah. This specific event focuses on women leaders in finance. Dr. Susan R. Madsen will be moderate a discussion with Jacki Zehner, founder of ShePlace and SheMoney, and Co-Founder of Women Moving Millions; and Sharlene Wells, Senior Vice President of Public Relations & Organizational Communications for Mountain American Credit Union.

11:30 am - 12:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Women in Leadership Executive Speaker Series - Traditional Industries

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you step into a world of inspiration and empowerment with its Women in Leadership: Executive Speaker Series. This series is a celebration of dynamic and influential women who have shattered glass ceilings in the corporate landscape in Utah. This specific event focuses on women leaders in traditional fields. Dr. Susan R. Madsen will be moderate a discussion with Jill Koziol, CEO and Co-Founder of Motherly, and Vanessa Quigley, Co-Founder and Chatbooker-in-Chief of Chatbooks.

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Women in Leadership Executive Speaker Series - Inclusion & Belonging

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you step into a world of inspiration and empowerment with its Women in Leadership: Executive Speaker Series. This series is a celebration of dynamic and influential women who have shattered glass ceilings in the corporate landscape in Utah. This specific event focuses on women leaders in inclusion and belonging. Dr. Susan R. Madsen will be moderate a discussion with Sui Lang Panoke, Senior Vice President of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion for Zions Bank, and Nikki Walker, Director of Community Engagement and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion for Domo.

11:30 am - 12:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Women in Leadership Executive Speaker Series - Women Focused Organizations

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you step into a world of inspiration and empowerment with its Women in Leadership: Executive Speaker Series. This series is a celebration of dynamic and influential women who have shattered glass ceilings in the corporate landscape in Utah. This specific event focuses on women leaders in women focused fields. Dr. Susan R. Madsen will be moderate a discussion with Samira Harnish, Founder and Executive Director of Women of the World, and Liz Owens, CEO of YWCA Utah.

11:30 am - 12:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Utah Women in Society – A Living Room Conversation

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project is partnering with Living Room Conversations for a unique 75-minute offering to Utahns as part of our celebration of Women’s History Month. Dr. Susan R. Madsen (Founding Director of the Utah Women & Leadership Project at Utah State University) will co-moderate this experience with Becca Kearl (Executive Director of Living Room Conversations) to provide space for anyone who joins to meet in small group to discuss women in the Utah society.

This experience is in a Zoom “meeting” format and there will be limited spots available. Living Room Conversations offer a simple, sociable and structured way to practice communicating across differences while building understanding and relationships. Zoom breakout rooms will be 4-6 people from much of the forum. This is an experience where you can be listened to and heard by others on this topic. Rather than debating or convincing others, you will take turns talking, sharing, learning, and being curious.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Utahns’ Perceptions of the Challenges Facing Women and Girls

Panel Discussion/Presentation

During the fall of 2023, Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) researchers conducted a statewide study to establish a baseline of public perceptions related to the awareness, understanding, and attitudes around challenges facing Utah women and girls. The 80-question survey provided baseline data needed by leaders of A Bolder Way Forward (BWF) and all Utahns interested in helping ensure that Utah girls and women better thrive. This webinar will highlight many of the results. The survey focused on the following areas: education (finance, higher education attainment, and K-12 initiatives); community engagement (political representation, boards and commissions, and civic engagement/ advocacy); safety and security (child sexual abuse, domestic violence, poverty and homelessness, sexual assault, and sexual harassment and gender-based discrimination); health and wellbeing (health across the lifespan and home and family); and workplace (childcare/pre-K programs, entrepreneurship, gender pay gap, leadership development, organizational strategies and workplace culture, STEM fields, and workforce development).

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

A Bolder Way Forward 2nd Annual Summit


The 2nd Annual A Bolder Way Forward (BWF) Summit focuses on making Utah a place where more girls and women can thrive in any setting (e.g., home, workplace, congregation, and community). This movement, launched in June 2023, focuses on creating societal change in Utah.

This event, hosted at Zions Bank Technology Campus, will discuss the momentum that a BWF has created since June 2023 and will provide ample time for leaders of the18 “spoke” areas to meet with their respective teams. Areas include childcare/pre-K programs, child sexual abuse, domestic violence, entrepreneurship, finances, gender pay gap, health across the lifespan, higher education attainment, home and family, K-12 initiatives, leadership development, organizational strategies and workplace culture, political and civic engagement, poverty and homelessness, sexual assault, sexual harassment and gender-based discrimination, STEM fields, and workforce development.

Come and join us for this second annual gathering to learn more and become inspired to help create change for Utah women and girls.

9:00 am - 2:00 pm |

Nurturing Hope in Ourselves and Others: The Science of Hope and Well-Being

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Hope is the mindset that drives resilient behaviors in everyone, including women. Hope is the expectation we have that we can identify pathways and generate the agency to attain desired goals. Research shows that hope is a psychological strength that can be nurtured and is one of the protective factors to our well-being.

This presentation and discussion with Dr. Chan Hellman—a professor of social work at the University of Oklahoma – Tulsa, the Executive Director of the Hope Research Center, and the author of Hope Rising—will introduce the science and power of hope, how trauma and adversity impact hope, and practical strategies for building resilience in individuals and communities. Dr. Hellman’s almost 20 years of research at the Hope Research Center demonstrating hope as a protective factor for children and families experiencing adversity and trauma, will be the basis for his presentation. He discovered that hope can be taught and nurtured in children and adults who are facing all types of challenges. We all need more hope in today’s world. Join us and learn more about how more hope can change our lives!

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |