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What Is Your Money Personality Type?


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our first spring workshop of the academic year.

The year 2020 was a tough money year for many women and families. So, how can we come back in 2021 recommitted with an increased sense of purpose around money management? One way is to take a deeper dive into understanding your own money personality. Our money personalities directly or indirectly affect every money decision we make. Join Amanda for this engaging workshop to better understand what types of money personality you have. Each personality has strengths, but each also may have a downside you may need to curb. This one-hour workshop is for women of all ages and backgrounds who want help increasing their financial wellness in 2021! Register now!

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

UWLP: Stopping Violence Against Utah Girls & Women

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our second Spring Women’s Leadership Forum.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, reports from those on the front lines indicate that all types of violence against women and girls has intensified. Did you know that one in four girls is sexually abused before age 18 — that’s an estimated 42 million women in the United States. Violence against women remains largely unreported due to the impunity, silence, stigma, and shame surrounding it. Most survivors keep the abuse a secret for many years, and most don’t talk about the abuse until adulthood. As survivors carry the weight of their abuse, they often struggle with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, insomnia, panic attacks, addiction, learning difficulties, chronic pain, and unhealthy relationships. Dr. Susan R. Madsen and panelists will present research and data as they discuss the realities of this kind of violence in Utah.

Ending violence against women is everyone’s business. Register to learn how you can support survivors and how you can do your part to protect girls and women from violence and sexual abuse.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

More Than a Body: Building Body Image Resilience


The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our second spring workshop of the academic year.

Our beauty-obsessed world perpetuates the idea that happiness, health, and the ability to be loved are dependent on how we look, but Lindsay and Lexie Kite offer an alternative vision. With insights drawn from their extensive body image research, Lindsay and Lexie—PhDs, founders of the nonprofit Beauty Redefined, and authors of the new book More Than a Body—lay out an action plan that arms you with the skills you need to reconnect with your whole self and free yourself from the constraints of self-objectification.

From media consumption to health and fitness to self-reflection and self-compassion, Lindsay and Lexie share powerful and practical advice that goes beyond “body positivity” to help develop body image resilience—all while cutting through the empty promises sold by media, advertisers, and the beauty and weight-loss industries. In the process, they show how facing your feelings of body shame or embarrassment can become a catalyst for personal growth.

Register to join.

6:00 pm - 7:15 pm | Online/Virtual |