Upcoming Events


Rising Athenas, Male Allies, and the Power of Gender Partnership

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our fourth Spring Women’s Leadership Forum.

The authors of the Harvard Business Review books Athena Rising and Good Guys will make the business case for male engagement in gender equality, showing why men are often absent from gender equity work and why genuine equity is good for both men and women. Using social science evidence and their extensive interviews with women (and the men they nominated), they will explore the possible challenges of cross-gender professional relationships. Using their research and organizational best practices, they will provide the “how to” for men, women, and organizational leaders who want to be intentional, inclusive, and excellent allies, leveraging mentorship, sponsorship, and workplace partnership to create a more diverse workforce.

RVSP to attend.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |

Designing Corporate Women’s Networks, Initiatives, and Leadership Programs


This online workshop is designed specifically for company representatives who are interested in creating, designing, developing or restructuring women’s networks, groups, programs, and/or other initiatives in their organizations. Current and future leaders of women’s groups/networks and corporate leaders involved in these strategic initiatives are invited to participate. Based on the latest research, Dr. Madsen will teach attendees about the types of efforts, programs, and designs that have shown to be effective in supporting and advancing women in workplace settings. The morning will consist of engaging presentations, small group conversations, and individual activities. This Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) offering is designed to provide attendees with 1) tools to design and develop effective programs and initiatives, 2) opportunities to network with those doing similar work in other companies, and 3) resources to help Utah employees obtain additional career development experiences and opportunities in the community.

RSVP required to attend.

8:00 am - 11:00 am | Online/Virtual |