Achievement In Music

The Achievement in Music (AIM) program is not a competition, it is an evaluation. Students are eligible to participate in AIM if they study with a current UMTA teacher. To pass a level, a student must score 75% cumulative or higher. Students who participate receive comment sheets from trained adjudicators, a certificate of completion, and a medal. Testing is state certified, and students can include their level achievements on resumes and college applications.

The AIM program has ten levels, designed to take a student through the senior year of high school, with the first year beginning in third grade. However, students can start at any age and at any level, skipping levels if needed. Levels 7-10 must be done in consecutive order. A student who completes all upper levels will be well-prepared to enter college as a music major.

Keyboard Lab for AIM Prep & Testing

YC students have unlimited access to the Keyboard Lab (FAC 216) where YC teachers will help students prepare for AIM testing in the areas of sight reading, theory, ear training, technique, and performance.

AIM Testing Schedule

AIM testing takes place in the Keyboard Lab during open lab hours. Lab hours are M-F from 4:00 - 6:00 pm.

  • October - Sight Reading Testing
  • November - Technique Testing
  • February - Ear Training & Theory Testing
  • March - Performance Testing & Music Listening Logs due
  • April 12 - AIM Awards & Recognition

Group Class