Office of Analysis, Assessment and Accreditation

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Course Evaluation Results

Cumulative Results (for Faculty)

IDEA Faculty FAQ

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IDEA Student FAQ

The IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction system focuses on student learning of 12 general objectives, factors out extraneous circumstances. The IDEA Center tailors each report to fit the instructor's selected learning objectives and offers recommendations and resources for improvement based on research. Data can be aggregated for program assessment and accreditation.

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Engineering Faculty Guide PDF

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Digital Measures (DM) is a software program licensed by the University to serve as a database of faculty activity. Both faculty and administrators are able to generate reports from DM.

Utah State uses Digital Measures to organize and build reports on teaching, research, and services activities. This system enables you to keep track of your activity information just once so that many outputs can be prepared, such as annual activity reports, accreditation reports, and responses to requests for faculty-related data, rather than needing to continually ask you for the information. This enables us to communicate more effectively about faculty accomplishments. Annual reviews for tenured and tenure-track faculty rely upon the information input in Digital Measures.