Using Handshake to Post a Position

Aggie Handshake is the best place to reach out to USU students with your employment opportunities. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to post a position.

Click to Post a Position
Go to Handshake to post an internship, job, or professional opportunity.


Click Post a Job on the home dashboard

This will open a blank job posting, with four tabs to fill out: Basics, Details, Preferences, and Schools

Best Practice:
the more fields you complete, the more well defined your job posting will be (and the more likely you’ll be to attract well-qualified candidates and approvals from schools).


Fill out Job Basics

The Job Basics Tab includes the following spaces to fill out: Job Title, Company Division, Job Type, Employment Type & Duration, & Work Study Job.


Click Next to proceed to Details

Here you will: add a Description for your job, choose Job Roles from the dropdown, add how many students you plan on hiring for this position, add a Job Salary if you'd like, enter a location for your job


Click Next to proceed to Job Preferences 

Note: all of these preferences are completely optional, and none of the preferences you add to this page will block students from applying for your job. We will show you candidates that meet all of your preferences, and those who don't. You can learn more in the article on Job Preferences.

You can add: Graduation date range, a minimum GPA, choose which majors to target specific students, & configure who should receive applicant packages.


Click Next to proceed to Schools

Next you are going to add schools using the dropdown. Then you will see it appear in the box below. 

Note: if your company has not been approved to post jobs at a school, you will not see that school as an option. If you have not been approved at any schools, you can still create this job and come back later to add schools. 


Preview Job & Save! 

Finally, you will click Next and preview your job before posting. If any changes need to be made, click on the tab where the changes need to be made. If you are satisfied with your job posting click Save. If you need additional information Handshake has a detailed article that can help.  

Here is a step by step walkthrough of posting a position:

For any questions, please contact:

Julie Pond

Julie Pond

Employer Relations Manager

Career Design Center

Phone: (435) 797-1746