USU Recycling Center

a recycling can with recyclable items in it to promote recyclingAnnually USU produces approximately 2,100 tons of solid waste! It is estimated that 65% of that amount is paper, cardboard and other recyclable items such as glass, aluminum, and plastic. Currently USU is recycling approximately 26% of its solid waste stream. USU Recycling is committed to removing as many of these items from the waste stream as possible and thereby reducing the environmental impact created by our institution. Also, the cost to throw these items away is rising every year making it much more of a burden on already stretched financial resources.

USU recycles all grades of paper products and cardboard. Other items that are recycled include: glass bottles (only accepted AT recycling center), aluminum and steel (tin) cans, #2 plastics(generally milk jugs) and #1 plastic( soda pop bottles), wood pallets, and scrap metal. (Battery recycling now goes through USU Environmental Health and Safety). We accept square automobile batteries and lead based batteries. We do not accept small batteries (AA, AAA, D…) If small batteries are produced by a USU department please contact Environmental Health and Safety to schedule a pick up at 435-797-2892). We also participate in a program that uses grass and shrub clippings along with scrap lumber to produce compost that is used on University landscaping. (For all Greenwaste recycling, contact Landscape Operations and Maintenance).

In addition to serving all campus buildings and housing dorms, USU also provides convenient drop-off centers for those who wish to bring items from home. We welcome your participation in our effort to reduce waste and preserve valuable resources. Call 797-1973 or stop by our drop-off location at 870 East, 1250 North, and see how easy it is to begin or strengthen your recycling efforts.

USU Sustainability

Contact Us

Nathan Schwartz

Recycling Manager
Office: 435-797-1973

Rachel Barlow

Recycling Coordinator

Daniel Davies

Waste Management

Recycling Center (RECYC)

870 E 1250 N
Logan, UT 84322-8980

Mike George

Director of Support Services
Office: 435-797-0483
Facilities (FCLT) 133B