Queer Student Alliance (QSA)

The Queer Student Alliance (QSA) is Utah State University's LGBTQIA+ student-led club on campus. The QSA strives to educate USU students, faculty, and staff about issues surrounding gender and sexuality. This network of support aims to make USU a welcoming and inclusive campus so that all students, staff, faculty, and members of the community may feel safe, welcome, and loved for who they are.

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Position Officer
President X Cazier (It/Him/Faers)
Vice President Beau Jenson (He/Him)
Secretary Quinn Balser (Genderfluid)
Treasurer Katrina Lam (She/Her)
Public Relations Cristina Chirvasa (She/Her)

Contact Us

Get Involved

  • Club Meetings—All are welcome

    The QSA meets each Wednesday at 4:00pm in the Inclusion Center’s Intersectional Library (TSC 313B)

    No meetings during Summer 2024. Check back for updates.

    Follow us on Instagram for updates: @usu_qsa

  • QSA Email List

Constitution of Queer Student Alliance


Queer Student Alliance often referred to as QSA, is USU's LGBTQIA+ club on campus. QSA strives to educate affiliates of USU, including students, faculty, and staff on issues surrounding gender and sexual identity. QSA's purpose is to create a safe atmosphere where students and members of the community can feel safe, welcome, and loved for who they are. This network of support promotes equality for all and aims to make USU a more welcoming and inclusive campus for every student and faculty and staff members.

Article I - Name and General Statements

Section 1 - Nonprofit Statement

QSA will operate as a nonprofit organization and any proceeds will be returned to the QSA account for future operating expenses.

Section 2 - Statement of Compliance

QSA shall abide by the applicable policies and procedures of USUSA and the Utah State University Student Code.

Section 3 - Non-Discrimination Policy

Discrimination or harassment from within or outside the membership based on race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, age, or disability at any program or activity offered under the control of QSA is not permitted.

Section 4 - Goals for QSA

  1. Build a supportive community for members and allies of the LGBTQIA+ community in Cache Valley
  2. Educate its members, USU students, faculty, staff and the Cache Valley community on issues regarding sexual/romantic orientation and gender identity;
  3. Unite the community through service;
  4. Advocate equal rights for all members of the community.

Article II

Section 1 - Executive Council

The officers of QSA shall be known as the Executive Council which consists of the following: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Public Relations.

Section 2 - Duties of Executive Council

  1. The duties of the President shall be, but are not limited to:
    1. Spokesperson and representative for QSA;
    2. Preside over the election process for the next term;
    3. Preside over the general and Executive Council meetings;
    4. Represent QSA on the USUSA Diversity Cabinet and report to Executive Council;
    5. Maintain relations with USUSA, the USU Administration, and other USU clubs and organizations;
    6. Consult with the advisor(s) of QSA and keep them updated;
    7. Delegate responsibilities to Executive Council members;
    8. Oversee and assist all other Executive Council members with their respective duties and assume duties when other Executive Council Members are unable to perform; and,
    9. Notify members in the case of a vacancy in an Executive Council position.
  2. The duties of the Vice President shall be, but are not limited to:
    1. Assist the President, Treasurer, and Secretary;
    2. Assume duties of President and other officers in case of absence or officer vacancy;
    3. Assist the President in all matters, especially delegation of responsibility.
  3. The duties of the Treasurer shall be, but are not limited to:
    1. Keep accurate records of incoming and outgoing funds;
    2. Keep receipts, reimbursement forms, and accounting for all transactions made on behalf of QSA;
    3. Report accounting at Executive Council meetings by maintaining a running financial record;
    4. Conduct business outreach and relations to report and secure donations and sponsorships for QSA events i.e. Rainbow Ball;
    5. Secure the ordering and procurement of club merchandise;
    6. Advise appropriate distribution of QSA funds for all QSA activities and inform the Executive Council on any possible misuse of funds by any member and/or Executive Council member; and,
  4. The duties of the Secretary shall be but are not limited to:
    1. Represent the needs and concerns of the members to the Executive Council;
    2. Oversee the formal organization of any petition(s);
      1. Which may consist, but are not limited to: Constitutional Amendments, Special Events, and Grievances.
    3. Maintain online media presence and inform members of meetings and activities;
    4. Oversee general club meeting attendance records and Executive Council attendance records;
    5. Create, file, and distribute formal documents and application forms to allow for effective club administration;
    6. Oversee survey(s) during the year to gauge how the general membership feels about events and meetings.
    7. Make and maintain relations with any current and future community-based programs with similar goals to QSA;
    8. Handle promotional materials; and,
    9. Oversee the submission of future QSA logo ideas and t-shirt designs for consideration by the Executive Council and QSA Club Members.
  5. The duties of Public Relations shall be, but are not limited to:
    1. Handle to promotional materials;
    2. Create and send weekly emails to club members;
    3. Handle all social media and email contact with students and faculty;
    4. Create graphics for social media posts about events being hosted by QSA;
    5. Maintain documentation and graphics of all events hosted;
    6. Document events through photographs.

Section 3 - Executive Council Elections

  1. The election committee will be comprised of the Executive Council;
  2. Members running for office must fulfill the following requirements:
    1. Must be a current student of USU;
    2. Must have a cumulative 2.5 GPA and be in good standing with the University;
    3. Must fill out and submit application to Executive Council;
    4. Must commit to the entire academic year in service of QSA;
    5. Must agree to become Ally certified before the end of the fall semester;
  3. Executive Council members will vet applicants and select the most qualified members for each position;
  4. The Executive Council will take a vote, and majority rules;
    1. Executive Council members who are running again may not be involved in the selection process of the position(s) for which they are applying
  5. The new officers will be sworn in by oath in an Executive Council meeting.
  6. The current President will announce new officers at the meeting following official selection.

Section 4 - Removal from Office

  1. If an Executive Council member resigns or is impeached the President shall declare the office vacant.
  2. If an Executive Council member is not performing the duties of the office or behaves in a manner contrary to the purposes of the organization, the office shall be declared vacant by a majority vote of Executive Council members and Advisor(s) in a special Executive Council meeting; or
    1. Any five members can call for a special Executive Council meeting to be scheduled for a vote to declare the office vacant.
  3. The Executive Council shall nominate and elect with a majority vote a new Executive Council member to the vacant position.

Article III - Meetings

Section 1 - General Meetings

  1. General meetings will be held once a week with exception for extenuating circumstances.
  2. If a meeting is to be cancelled or re-scheduled a notice will be given by the Secretary.

Section 2 - Executive Council Meetings

  1. Only active Executive Council members may be actively involved in the meeting, but any member and/or approved visitor may attend these meetings;
  2. If an Executive Council member cannot attend, they must give notice.

Article IV - Advisor

Section 1 - Selection Process

  1. The advisor shall be a faculty member employed by USU who shows interest in QSA
  2. Once a suggestion has been made as to which faculty/staff member QSA would like to formally ask, a simple majority vote must be conducted to determine whether to invite the faculty/staff member to the following general meeting.
  3. The advisor shall be asked by an appointee of the Executive Council as to whether he/she would like to be the advisor.

Section 2 - Term of Office

  1. The advisor shall remain in office until:
    1. The advisor feels he/she cannot fulfill their duties, or
    2. The members (with a majority consensus) feel the need for a new advisor (a reason and suggestion must be present at the time).

Section 3 - Role of Advisor

The Advisor will:

  1. Serve as the official staff representative of the college;
  2. Work closely with the club to ensure a cooperative relationship with the advisor.
  3. Assist each Executive Council Member QSA in understanding their duties and responsibilities;
  4. Assist Full and Associate members to understand and apply democratic principles within QSA;
  5. Be present at majority of meetings if not all;
  6. Advise students of the policies and procedures which they must follow as a club/organization;
  7. Take reasonable action to ensure the safety and welfare of members;
  8. Ensure the appropriate university policies are upheld; and,
  9. Be present on the day of elections to tally the votes.

Article V - Amendments

Section 1 - Submission

Amendments to the constitution should be submitted to the Secretary during Executive Council Meetings.

Section 2 - Executive Council Approval

Amendments must be approved by a majority of the Executive Council.

Section 3 - Unacceptable Amendments

Amendments are deemed unacceptable if they violate USU or QSA policy.