Learning Circles

Learning Circles are small collaborative groups of instructors who meet together to read and discuss teaching topics of interest. Learning Circles are open to all faculty, staff, and  students engaged in the teaching excellence community. Participants in the learning circles (or communities of inquiry) engage with a book or selected readings, and then lend their unique viewpoints from different disciplines and teaching experiences not only to discuss the content and build comradery but also to consider how they can implement the ideas and concepts they're discussing into the context of their own classrooms.

Learning Circles logo

Summer 2024 Learning Circles


Designing engaging and interactive online class sessions

Teaching and Generative AI: Pedagogical Possibilities and Productive Tensions
Edited by Beth Buyserie, Ph.D., & Travis N. Thurston, Ph.D.

Facilitated by Rosa Thornley

Wednesdays 1:00pm
May 22 | May 29 | Jun 5 | Jun 12 | Jun 19


The state must provide

Intentional Tech; Principles to Guide the Use of Educational Technology inCollege Teaching
by Derek Bruff

Facilitated by Wayne Hatch

Thursdays 10:00 am
May 16 | May 23 | May 30 | Jun 6


Undoing the grade

How Humans Learn: The Science and Stories behind Effective College Teaching (Teaching and Learning in Higher Education)
by Josh Eyler

Facilitated by Angela Montague

Tuesdays 10:00 am
May 14 | May 22 | May 28 | Jun 4 | Jun 11


What the best teachers do

What the Best College Teachers Do
by Ken Bain

Facilitated by Nate Trauntvein

Mondays 11:00am
May 20 | June 3 | June 17 | July 8


Picture a professor

Exploring how we teach: Lived experiences, lessons, and research about graduate instructors by graduate instructors
edited by Sam Clem

Facilitated by Leanna DeJong

Tuesdays 3:00 pm
Jun 4 | Jun 11 | Jun 18 | Jun 25


Braiding Sweetgrass

Revamping your Syllabus

Facilitated by Sarah Tulane

Tuesdays 9:00 am
May 14 | May 21 | May 28 | Jun 4

Past Circles

What Will You Takeaway From a Learning Circle?

Watch this example of how participating in an ETE Learning Circle on Hitting Pause impacted the teaching of this amazing group:

Interested in Facilitating a Learning Circle?


Survey on Canvas

Fill out the Learning Circle Survey in the ETE Canvas Course about your interests. If you are considering a specific book for use please consider the price, or check to see if it is offered as an eBook through the USU library. If you are planning to facilitate the circle yourself, please review the ETE Learning Circle Facilitator's Guide


Work with ETE

Discuss with ETE what meeting days and times would work best for you and your group, how to acquire materials, number of participants, possible activities, and more. 



Remember, you are not expected to be an expert on this subject! It is more important to have an open mind surrounding your topic, and a desire to lead a discussion to learn and improve together.