
Research Resources

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Centers for Teaching and Learning

Faculty Resources

Utah Centers for Teaching and Learning

Most higher education institutions in Utah host an office focused on helping faculty become better teachers and learners. These offices provide consultation services, events, and online resources to help teachers improve and better document their teaching efforts.

Listed below are links to many of Utah's higher education centers for teaching and learning, where faculty can find information about the resourses available on their campuses, along with general teaching resources.

Faculty Peer Review

UTLG participating institutions collaborated on a formative teaching observation rubric for faculty based upon AAC&U's high impact practices and the underlying teaching techniques identified by George Kuh and Ken O'Donnell in 2014.

Sharing Resources on Canvas Commons

UTLG members have access to a shared group on Canvas Commons for sharing course resources. The name of the group is USHE Teaching and Learning Group (UTLG).