
Members of the public are welcome to use the facilities of the Intermountain Herbarium for plant identification during normal business hours (Monday to Friday, 8am to 5 pm). You are encouraged to contact the staff prior to arrival, but this is only essential if you wish to be able to work outside these hours.

Facilities available to visitors include dissecting microscopes, floras for most of North America, standard dissecting tools, a plant dryer, and many topographic maps. Press materials are available if requested in advance and not needed by personnel associated with Utah State University.

Guides (How To)

Vouchers and Specimen Preparation

  1. Vouchers and tissues intended for genomic work:
    1. Best practices (Smithsonian)
    2. Video of collecting samples for DNA
  2. Plant specimens for Herbarium (University of Florida)

Important Dates In Nomenclature

Date Article Number(s) Description
January 1, 1935 36 Must use Latin for extant vascular plants
January 1, 1953 30.1, 30.3, 30.4 Publication in various kinds of ephemeral works is not allowed
January 1, 1953 32.4, 33.2 Must provide full and direct citation of basionym
January 1, 1953 34.2 If an author publishes two or more names simultaneously for same taxon, all are invalid
January 1, 1953 35.1, 35.2 Must provide clear indication of rank; unranked names published earlier are valid but have no standing so far as priority is concerned
January 1, 1958 36.2 Names of non-fossil algae must be published in Latin
January 1, 1958 37.1 Must indicate the type of a new name or new combination
January 1, 1958 39.1 Names of new species or infraspecies of non-fossil algae must include an illustration or figure showing the distinctive features
January 1, 1959 28, note 2 Names of cultivars must be fancy names (lovely phrase), not resembling standard Latin epithets
January 1, 1973 30.3 Can no longer use seed exchange lists for publication
January 1, 1973 45.1 Effective date of publication is the date on which the last of the requirements was satisfied
January 1, 1988 14.2 Became possible to conserve names of species in the interests of stability
January 1, 1990 9.14, 37.4, 37.5 Must specify the herbarium or institution in which type is conserved and include the word 'type' or 'holotype' in designation of type material
January 1, 1996 36.3 Names of fossil plants must have a Latin or English description
January 1, 2001 7.11 Must include the phrase "here designated" when designating a lectotype or neotype


External Resources

These have been divided into Utah, Intermountain Region, North America, Global, and Digital Libraries.


Intermountain Region

North America (primarily USA)


Botanical Digital Libraries

Annual Reports

Goals, Plans, and Reports

These reports are prepared for the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station each year. They reflect activities from December 1 - November 30 and are developed according to a rather standard format.