Role Statements

Role statements establish general employment parameters and performance expectations for USU faculty. Faculty members are expected to carry out the major university functions of teaching, research or creative endeavors, Extension, librarianship, and service. Individual role statements designate percentages for each area of professional service, and percentages guide the relative evaluation weight given to performance in each area. Emphasis in professional service areas varies within and among academic departments and individual faculty role statements.

Templates for Departments

For use across departments and academic units, the Office of the Provost & Executive Vice President has created the following templates:

The sample role statements below were tailored for each academic unit to serve as examples. Each faculty member should work with his or her department head and dean to construct an individual role statement.

Below are customized templates for academic colleges, extension and university libraries.

College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences

Tenure Track

Term Appointment

Caine College of the Arts

Tenure Track

Term Appointment

Jon M. Huntsman School of Business

Tenure Track

Term Appointment

Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services

Tenure Track

Term Appointment

College of Engineering

Tenure Track

Term Appointment

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Tenure Track

Term Appointment

S.J. & Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources

Tenure Track

Term Appointment

  • Coming soon

College of Science

Tenure Track

Term Appointment

University Libraries

Tenure Track

University Extension

Tenure Track

Term Appointment