Name, Social Security Number, and Date of Birth

This form is used to change a student’s name, social security number, and date of birth in the student information system.

Change of Information Form
Please review the change of information form for more instructions.

Academic Major, Minor, and Emphasis

Reach out to your undergraduate advisor to request a change of major, add a second major, emphasis, or minor.

Remove Credits 5 Years or Older

Undergraduate students who have been admitted to USU after a college break of at least one year may petition to have credits older than five years removed from the calculation of their GPA and credits earned.

Petition for Academic Renewal Form
Please review the petition for academic renewal form for more instructions.

Add Credits Earned by Special Examination

By taking a special examination, students can earn college credits, depending on how well they do on the exam.

Record of Special Examination Form
Please review the record of special examination form for more instructions.

Academic Record Adjustment & Request for Refund Petition

The record adjustment allows students to petition for changes to their academic transcript when they have experienced an extenuating circumstance. The refund petition allows students to petition for a refund of tuition and fees outside of normal refund deadlines.

Academic Record Adjustment / Refund Request Form
Read more about these petitions to decide if your situation warrants review by the Registrar's Office.

Repeated Courses

Students must complete this form if they are repeating courses not marked as repeatable for credit in the University Catalog.

Repeated Courses Form
Please review the repeated courses form for more instructions.

Your Rights

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 prohibits Utah State University from releasing certain personally identifiable information from a student’s record to a third party (e.g. parent, spouse, etc.) without the student’s explicit consent.
Learn More about FERPA

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