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Science Unwrapped - Can We Live the Good Life and Keep Our Planet Healthy?

Special Event | Science Unwrapped

Inquiring minds of all ages are invited to Science Unwrapped, the public STEM outreach program of USU's College of Science. Watershed scientist Patrick Belmont, professor in USU's Department of Watershed Sciences, presents "Can We Live the Good Life and Keep Our Planet Healthy?" at 7 pm in the Emert Auditorium (ESLC 130) of the Eccles Science Learning Center on the USU campus, Logan. Admission is free. Refreshments and hands-on learning activities follow Dr. Belmont's talk. Talk Description: Watershed scientist Patrick Belmont explores how we can better align economics and sustainability to put us on track for improving quality of life for people, while protecting the ecosystems on which our economy depends. Drawing on collaborations he’s convened with scientists, land managers and entrepreneurs, Belmont illustrates how we can pool our knowledge and energy to create communities that can thrive in the ever changing social, cultural, and economic landscape. Dr. Belmont's talk is part of Science Unwrapped's Fall 2024 "Joining Forces" series.

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm | Eccles Science Learning Center Auditorium |

Olsen Lecture Series: Nanoscience Pioneer Gregory Hartland


University of Notre Dame chemist Gregory Hartland is pioneering use of optics to examine properties of single plasmonic nanostructures. His research includes development of novel techniques to perform time-resolved and steady state spectroscopy experiments on single particles. He will present “Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Single Plasmonic Nanostructures" as featured speaker for the Utah State University Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry’s 2024 Richard Olsen Lecture series. All are welcome to his talk at 4 p.m. Oct. 9, in the Eccles Science Learning Center, Room ESLC 046, on the Logan campus. Hartland is a Notre Dame Collegiate Professor and director of graduate studies in Notre Dame’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. He served as senior editor of the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Physical Chemistry, and was recently named deputy editor of the society’s Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Harland is an ACS Fellow, a Royal Society of Chemistry Fellow and an American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow. The Olsen Lecture Series was established by in 2006 by the late USU Emeritus Professor Richard Olsen and his wife, LiVina Hymas Olsen.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Eccles Science Learning Center |

Second 7-week Session

Academic Calendar | Fall Semester

34 instruction days, 1 test day

From 10/15 , All Day to 12/06 , All Day | Utah State University |

Fall Break

Academic Calendar | Fall Semester

No classes.

All Day | Utah State University |