Promote your Research

The College of Science is eager to assist its faculty, student and staff researchers in promoting their research to the public and their peers.

For assistance in preparing press releases for the media, professional organizations and university publications, please contact Mary-Ann Muffoletto, College of Science Public Relations Specialist, at, in ESLC 245G, or via phone at 435-797-3517.

Mary-Ann Muffoletto can assist College of Science researchers with:

  • Preparing media releases about published research in academic journals that meet embargo rules and are distributed through national and international media networks.
  • Preparing media releases about awards, events and other college news.
  • Contacting media with “pitches” about your research.
  • Coaching researchers for interviews with print, broadcast and Web journalists.
  • Photographing faculty, students and staff.
  • Preparing articles for university publications, including Utah State Today, the university’s online newsletter;  Utah State Magazine and the college’s Discovery alumni magazine.
  • Providing training for researchers in media relations.
USU Researcher Randy Lewis on CNN