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October 2023

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Geo Speaker Series: Cate Larsen, aka @GrooveyGeologist


Cate Larsen, or @GrooveyGeologist, will present on Geo Communication with Social Media.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Geology building |

Geo Speaker Series: Dr. Evey Gannaway Dalton


Dr. Evey Gannaway Dalton, from USU, will present on Salt Tectonics and Sed/Strat.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Geology building |

Science Unwrapped: Chronological Order

Special Event | Science Unwrapped

Inquiring minds of all ages are invited to Science Unwrapped, the free, public outreach program of USU's College of Science. Featured speaker is USU geoscientist Evey Gannaway Dalton, who presents, "Chronological Order: Telling Time with Utah's Fossil Record," as part of our "Building on Basics" series. Refreshments and hands-on learning activities follow the talk.

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm | Eccles Science Learning Center Auditorium |

USU Observatory Public Viewing Night

Special Event

Astronomy enthusiasts of all ages are invited to view the night sky through the USU Observatory telescope. Admission is free. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please check the observatory website at observatory.usu.edu prior to arrival on the public night, as the gathering will be cancelled in the event of cloudy or inclement weather. The website also provides directions and parking information.

8:00 pm - 10:00 pm | SER Building |

Journal Selection Strategies: Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Research


Choosing the right journal for your research is critical to making an impact. Join our interactive session to learn how journal scope, audience, impact factor, publication process, and open access status influence where you should submit your manuscript. Learn how to use online tools and databases, avoid predatory publishers, and make informed decisions. Part of the Get Published! Workshop Series.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Annular Solar Eclipse Observation

Special Event

USU's College of Science invites all ages to join in a safe observation of the Annular Solar Eclipse, outside on the USU Quad, on Saturday morning, October 14, 2023. Cache Valley will experience a partial eclipse (80 percent) , beginning at about 9:10 a.m., reaching maximum at about 10:30 a.m., and ending shortly before noon. Join Aggie Scientists, and other USU scholars, in learning about this phenomenon, and learning how to observe it safely. Rule #1: NEVER look directly at the Sun in any conditions, to avoid eye and sight damage. We will gather on the Quad and discuss how to observe the event safely (with backs to the Sun) using special pinhole postcards to be distributed on the day. We'll also talk about what the eclipse is and other related topics. Admission is free.

8:00 am - 12:00 pm | Quad |

Second 7-week Session

Academic Calendar | Fall Semester

34 instruction days, 1 test day

From 10/17 , All Day to 12/08 , All Day | Utah State University |

Documentary Screening - Ultimate Weapon: The H-Bomb Dilemma

Special Event

All are invited to a free screening of the independent documentary, "Ultimate Weapon: The H-Bomb Dilemma" at 6 pm in Room FAV 262 (Fine Arts Visual Building) on the USU Logan campus. The 45-minute film, which debuted on The History Channel in August 2000, explores the secret late-1940s/early-1950s debate on the decision to build the H-bomb. It features declassified information from the Los Alamos National Laboratory archives, along with other sources. The film was written by Peter Galison, Pellegrino University Professor of the History of Science and of Physics at Harvard University. Galison is the keynote speaker for the October 20-21, 2023 Four Corners Regional Meeting of the American Physical Society, which will be held in Logan, Utah. The public may access Galison's keynote address, set for Friday evening, Oct. 20, via Zoom. For the address time and a Zoom link, call 435-797-2857.

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Fine Arts Visual |

Fall Break

Academic Calendar | Fall Semester

No classes.

All Day | Utah State University |

Four Corners Meeting of the American Physical Society


The Four Corners Meeting of the American Physical Society unites participants from colleges, universities, industry, and government laboratories within the states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah.

From 10/20 at 8:00 am to 10/21 at 6:30 pm |

Community / Commercialization

Panel Discussion/Presentation

What's lost when big corporations control knowledge? Are extreme profit-driven models sustainable? How does personal data collection affect academic freedom? Can commercialization benefit the public? Join us for a lively panel discussion during Open Access Week as we tackle what happens when we prioritize commercial interests over community needs in research.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Hansen Life Sciences Retreat


The mission of the Hansen Life Sciences Retreat is to bring together faculty and students from diverse departments at Utah State University who are all working toward understanding biological processes at the molecular level.

From 10/27 at 5:00 pm to 10/28 at 3:00 pm | Eccles Science Learning Center Auditorium |

USU Science Week 2023

Student Activities

All Aggies are invited to participate in Science Week 2023, on USU's Logan campus. The student-led Science Council has an exciting week planned with networking, games, activities to indulge your creativity and foster wellness, Rapid Fire Research, Science Unwrapped and more! For more information, visit usu.edu/science/week

7:00 am - 9:00 pm | Utah State University Logan Campus |

USU Science Week 2023

Student Activities

All Aggies are invited to participate in Science Week 2023, on USU's Logan campus. The student-led Science Council has an exciting week planned with networking, games, activities to indulge your creativity and foster wellness, Rapid Fire Research, Science Unwrapped and more! For more information, visit usu.edu/science/week

7:00 am - 9:00 pm | Utah State University Logan Campus |

Science Week: Ghoulish Game-Night

Student Activities

All Aggies are invited to join in some Halloween-themed games, including board games, card games and video games. Get cozy, enjoy some snacks, along with some brain-energizing fun.

5:30 pm - 8:30 pm | TSC, International Lounge |

Science Week: Paranormal Paints

Student Activities

Get your creative juices flowing with various art activities hosted by different departments and student clubs within the College of Science. Activities will include spooky watercolors, thrifted ghost paintings, digital glitch art and more. All Aggies are welcome!

11:30 am - 2:00 pm | TSC, International Lounge |