Timeline of University Actions

Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response

Summer 2024

USU creates a new online reporting hub to support a culture of compliance.

Spring 2024

Third annual Northern Utah Conference to End Violence features domestic violence advocate Rachel Louise Snyder as keynote speaker.

Rachel Louise Snyder

President Elizabeth Cantwell discusses domestic and sexual violence on her Future Casting podcast.

President Elizabeth Cantwell doing podcast

USU recognizes Sexual Assault Awareness Month and celebrates Start by Believing Day.

Start by Believing banner
Fall 2023

USU Office of Equity annual report shows greater use of resources.

Dr. Chris Linder conducts workshop on preventing sexual misconduct with Athletics.

workshop social media post
Summer 2023
Spring 2023

A collaboration among USU’s Office of Equity, Sexual Assault & Anti-Violence Information (SAAVI) Office, and English department won a gold excellence award from the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators for promoting sexual misconduct prevention with the help of students in a technical communications course.

SAAVI celebrated its 20th anniversary of providing victim advocacy services and support to the USU community in March 2023.

USU and CAPSA host second annual Northern Utah Conference to End Violence to encourage community collaboration.

Fall 2022

Office of Equity releases second annual report, highlighting sexual misconduct and discrimination prevention and response efforts from August 2021 to July 2022.

99% of students completed fall sexual misconduct training, and survey results show student knowledge about university resources and reporting is increasing.

Summer 2022

USU partners with CAPSA to present the first Northern Utah Conference on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.

Spring 2022

USU releases results from its third sexual misconduct student survey and first employee survey.

Matthew Pinner named new executive director for USU Office of Equity.

Matthew Pinner

USU Office of Equity releases its first annual report, outlining sexual misconduct and discrimination prevention and response efforts from August 2020 to July 2021.

USU hosts pledge tables on campuses across the state to encourage support for survivors of sexual violence.

USU forms a Survivor Resources Working Group to evaluate existing and recommended resources for those who experience sexual misconduct.

Fall 2021

USU launches continuing student annual training requirement via online “Rethinking Relationships” course.

USU Blanding campus awarded one-year Utah Department of Health TANF program grant to hire a sexual violence prevention specialist.

USU trains 6,677 employees and 6,745 students in sexual misconduct prevention.

USU trains 230 individuals in Upstanding bystander intervention practices.

Aggies Stand Up
Summer 2021

USU recognized as 2021 “Campus Prevention Network Seal of Prevention” recipient.

VS Campus Prevention Network 2021 Seal

USU hires General Crime Victim Advocate to work within the Sexual Assault & Anti-Violence Information (SAAVI) Office and USU Police. This position provides confidential advocacy to victims of any crime.

Spring 2021

USU releases interim policy on sexual misconduct, clarifies expectations for conduct in the university community.

USU launches pilot versions of updated “live” employee reporting obligations trainings.

USU trains 1,668 employees and 2,130 students in sexual misconduct prevention.

USU trains 70 individuals in Upstanding bystander intervention practices.

Aggies Stand Up

USU recognized by End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) for its ongoing commitment to “Start by Believing,” an international public awareness campaign intended to educate people on how to respond to disclosures of sexual or relationship violence.

Fall 2020

USU launches pilot versions of “live” incoming student trainings at residential campuses, facilitated by peer educators at the Logan campus.

USU trains 906 employees and 4,897 students in sexual misconduct prevention.

USU trains 3,032 individuals in Upstanding bystander intervention practices.

Aggies Stand Up

USU Sexual Assault & Anti-Violence Information (SAAVI) Office awarded Office for Victims of Crime LEV grant to hire General Crime Victim Advocate to provide confidential advocacy to victims of any crime.

Summer 2020

Office of Equity hires two prevention specialists, Jodie Goodman and Mary Reid, to coordinate student and employee trainings.

Office of Equity hires a supportive measures/prevention specialist, Katie Freeman, at the USU Eastern campus.

USU Blanding campus awarded one-year APHA/CDC Campus Sexual Assault Prevention Action Planning Program evaluation process grant. Student interns are hired with grant funds.

USU Blanding campus awarded one-year Utah Department of Health Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program grant. A part-time sexual misconduct prevention specialist, Shaina Sagg, and student interns are hired with grant funds.

USU recognized as 2021 “Campus Prevention Network Seal of Prevention” recipient.

Seal of Prevention
Spring 2020

Specialized team that includes sex crimes investigator and victim advocate hired by USU Police to provide trauma-informed response.

USU President Noelle E. Cockett signs resolution agreement with the Department of Justice after a Title IX Compliance Review.

Address from President Noelle thumbnail

USU recognized by End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) for its ongoing commitment to “Start by Believing,” an international public awareness campaign intended to educate people on how to respond to disclosures of sexual or relationship violence.

start believing

USU trains 843 employees and 1,552 students in sexual misconduct prevention.

USU trains 346 individuals in Upstanding bystander intervention practices.

Aggies Stand Up

USU’s Sexual Assault & Anti-Violence Information Office and Office of Equity begin partnership with Dr. Avery Edenfield’s Project Management course to develop unique prevention efforts for the USU statewide system.

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences and USU’s Sexual Assault & Anti-Violence Information (SAAVI) Office invite Beauty Redefined to speak about resilience in the face of objectification.

Lindsay and Lexie Kite

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) awards USU Police and the USU SAAVI Office STOP grant to hire specialized team that includes sex crimes investigator and victim advocate to provide trauma-informed response.

Fall 2019

USU releases results of second sexual misconduct survey.

Results of USU's second sexual misconduct survey.

USU launches "I Ask" campaign to start conversations about consensual and respectful relationships.

Office of Equity hires third investigator, Michael Barrett, to coordinate responses and work with students on statewide campuses.

Michael Barrett, USU's third Office of Equity investigator.

From fall 2017 through fall 2019

22396 students complete the online module "Sexual Assault Prevention."

10439 complete the Upstanding bystander intervention program.

3165 receive in-person education specific to healthy relationships and consent.

Victims of Crime Act Administrators (VOCA) awards the USU Sexual Assault & Anti-Violence Information (SAAVI) Office grant to hire a full-time advocate and provide training and survivor funds.

Summer 2019

Office of Equity hires supportive measures specialist, Brittani Naegle, to coordinate accommodations for students.

Brittani Naegle, supportive measures specialist.

USU's AAEO office updates its name to "Office of Equity" to better communicate its role on campus. The Office of Equity oversees Title IX compliance for all USU campuses.

USU Blanding campus awarded one-year American Public Health Association (APHA)/CDC Campus Sexual Assault Prevention Action Planning Program education grant. Student interns are hired with grant funds.

USU Blanding campus
Spring 2019

USU launches Upstanding social norms campaign.

l noticed this guy was flirting with a girl who seemed uncomfortable, so I checked in to see if she was OK. The situation just didn't feel right. 83 % of USU students would support others who confront harmful or problematic behavior. Aggies Stand Up based on the 2017 USU sexual misconduct survey. Learn how at upstander.usu.edu.

SAAVI releases healthy online dating social media campaign.

Tips for navigating online dating: sexual assault is a crime and is never the fault of a survivor. To learn more go to: safedating.usu.edu. #1: Get consent!  This includes messaging, exchanging photos, meeting up, or engaging in sexual activity. #2: You are never owed sexual favors or photos just because you matched or paid for a date. #3: Meet in a public space, and drive yourself. #4: Let friends know where you are going and how long you intend to be gone. #5: Trust your instincts. If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Utah State University sexual assault and anti-violence information.

USU implements second sexual misconduct survey for students.

Be heard. Take the sexual misconduct survey. survey.usu.edu, April 1-22. All survey participants have a chance to win Amazon gift cards. Utah State University.

SAAVI organizes second Start by Believing campaign.

End the silence. Stop the cycle of violence. Start by believing. Pledge to start by believing on April 3, 2019 #startbybelieving at #usuaggies startbybelieving.usu.edu. Utah State University
Fall 2018

USU hires new prevention specialist staff, Emmalee Fishburn, position in Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity office to coordinate campus-wide sexual misconduct prevention efforts targeting students and employees.

Emmalee Fishburn, new prevention specialist staff.

University trains 3640 in Upstanding.

USU hires new director of the Office of Equity.

Alison A. Adams-Perlac, new director of the Office of Equity.

University revises in-person employee sexual harassment prevention and responsible employee trainings and rolled out in-person trainings at statewide campuses.

Community engagement working group convened to discuss opportunities to address sexual violence by working with local faith leaders.

Victims of Crime Act Administrators (VOCA) awards the USU Sexual Assault & Anti-Violence Information (SAAVI) Office grant to hire a part-time advocate and provide training and survivor funds.

Summer 2018

USU invests $100,000-plus to add more than 50 new video cameras across campus, including a camera at the bottom of Old Main hill.

a security camera affixed to a street lamp on Old Main

USU begins overhaul of fraternity and sorority life system to improve student safety and accountability; USU commits to training all fraternities and sororities in bystander intervention and consent on an annual basis.

USU creates Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Advisory Committee comprised of community members, alumni, and experts in the field.

SAAVI moves under Department of Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology and two new positions (outreach coordinator and therapist) funded and staffed.

Felicia Marie Gallegos, outreach and prevention coordinator. Gabriela Palomino, therapist.

USU hires new fraternity and sorority life coordinator, Paige Eidenschenk, to facilitate changes in how chapters are recognized by USU, including monitoring safety issues and mentoring fraternity and sorority life leadership.

Paige Eidenschenk, fraternity and sorority life coordinator.
Spring 2018

USU hires outside firm to investigate music department allegations – releases recommendations.

Music Department Investigation news article

USU overhauls Title IX oversight.

USU launches first Start by Believing campaign to address bias issues that affect survivor disclosures.

End the silence. Stop the cycle of violence. Start by believing. Pledge to start by believing on April 4, 2018 #startbybelieving at #usuaggies startbybelieving.usu.edu. Utah State University

Men Can Stop Rape visits the USU Logan campus to train leadership groups, athletics, and fraternity & sorority life about healthy masculinity and how we engage men in the movement to end sexual misconduct.

Men Can Stop Rape
Fall 2017

USU implements a “hard mandate” for all new students to take an online sexual assault prevention course before the end of their first semester.

Sexual Assault Prevention course landing page
Summer 2017

USU releases details of 2016 internal inquiry.

Spring 2017

USU receives notice on Jan. 12, 2017, from the Department of Justice that it was initiating an investigation into the university's responses to reports of student-on-student and employee-on-student sexual harassment, including sexual assault, between 2013 and 2017.

USU conducts first sexual misconduct survey for students.

OVERVIEW OF THE CAMPUS CLIMATE. In line with prior surveys of freshmen and soohomores, and the annual graduating students survey, the majority of those responding to the survey (93 percent) agreed or strongly agreed that they generally felt safe on the campus. Data chart.

Prevention, Education and Training Working Group recommends prevention strategy to Task Force: included mandatory online prevention for all freshman, the Upstanding bystander intervention program, and hiring a prevention specialist to coordinate both these efforts.

USU releases new website to co-locate sexual assault resources in one online landing page: usu.edu/sexual-respect

usu.edu/sexual-respect landing page.

4,000+ USU community members sign the “I Will” pledge campaign to stop sexual assault.

IU will not tolerate jokes, attitudes or any behavior that perpetuates sexual assault. iwill.usu.edu
Fall 2016

President Albrecht creates new Sexual Violence Task Force and working groups (including Implementation and Coordinating Committee) with then Provost Noelle Cockett as chair.

USU begins using Maxient software system to more effectively track reports of sexual misconduct and discrimination across all campuses.

Noelle Cockett named university president and continues leadership of Sexual Violence Task Force.photo of President Noelle Cockett

Policy and procedures on confidential and anonymous reporting by students adopted in Student Code.

student code snip

USU launches campaign defining sexual consent, "Consent Is."

DOJ Office of Violence Against Women (VAWA) awards USU grant to create community-wide response to sexual violence.

Summer 2016

Salt Lake Tribune breaks story about Torrey Green, exposing gaps in sexual misconduct prevention and response efforts at USU.

USU releases recommendations from an internal inquiry into how USU handled information provided about Torrey Green crimes.

Spring 2016

Sexual Harassment Policy 339 revised.