Race To Zero Waste 2023

What is Race to Zero Waste?

Race to Zero Waste is a nationwide competition for universities to increase their landfill diversion.

Recycling On Campus

Take care of most of your recycling right on campus with recycling, battery, composting, and plastic bag drop offs.

    • Green compost boxes are located near Natural Resources toward the library and by the TSC patio.
    • USU accepts aluminum, steel, plastics bottles (#1 or #2 in the recycle symbol), paper, paperboard, and cardboard. Recycling bins are in every building. Be sure items are clean and cardboard is collapsed.
    • Logan City also has a recycling program.
    • Battery drop off buckets are located throughout campus in areas such as the TSC, library, and Engineering building.
      • You can drop off plastic bags at the Campus Store and most grocery stores.

Composting & Recycling Printouts

Print this out and put them up in your room, dorm, or apartment to help you remember to live sustainably!

Recycling Printout

Composting Printout

Learn How To Compost
Tour of USU composting facilities coming soon! When food decomposes, it needs air to break down properly, but in a landfill it's put under anarobic conditions which increases carbon output. Compost bins and piles are a great way to break down organic materials and makes good, healthy fertilizer, not to mention divert all of that food waste from the landfill. 

Recycling Center Tour
Did you know that Utah State has it's own recycling center?  Located near the stadium, the USU Recycling Center takes in all of the paper and plastic that Aggies throw in the recycling bins on campus. Take a tour with us and learn how USU handles recyclable materials.

How to Minimize Waste as a College Student

We've heard a lot of great stories about reducing waste while in college, and have put together a list of our Top 10 Ways to Minimize Waste as a College Student!

  1. Buy a Water Bottle, or bring your own mug to on-campus dining locations for a discount on your coffee!
  2. Refrain from buying the most up-to-date technology; using your phone for as long as you can greatly reduces your carbon footprint.
  3. Go thrift shopping! There are so many on-trend and good-looking styles at many of the thrift stores in the valley.
  4. Compost, we even have a bin by the NR building and the TSC patio for you to drop of your waste.
  5. Bring your own reusable takeout boxes and utensils when your dine out
  6. Clean out your recyclable waste before throwing it out. More often than not it won't get recycled if it's still dirty. 
  7. Minimize your plastic waste in the bathroom, like using bars of soap/shampoo
  8. Use glass and metal containers instead of plastic, they can be recycled more times than plastic can.
  9. Use reusable bags when shopping
  10. Use beeswax wrap instead of plastic wrap for a zero waste way to cover food and dishes.