UWLP Blog - Girls & Teens

Girls and Teens
Violence Against Women
Sub-Featured Article
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Did you miss this Spring Women's Leadership Forum? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.
Event Recap - Teen Girls Experiencing Increased Sadness and Violence: Discussion with Utah Experts

Event Recap - Teen Girls Experiencing Increased Sadness and Violence: Discussion with Utah Experts

Did you miss this Spring Women's Leadership Forum? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.

Sub-Featured Article
Girls and Teens
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Did you miss this Spring Workshop? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.
Event Recap - Building Emotional Resilience in Girls and Young Women

Event Recap - Building Emotional Resilience in Girls and Young Women

Did you miss this Spring Workshop? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.

Sub-Featured Article
Politics and Government
Girls and Teens
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Did you miss this Spring Women's Leadership Forum? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.
Event Recap - Career Exploration for Girls and Women: Law & Nonprofit

Event Recap - Career Exploration for Girls and Women: Law & Nonprofit

Did you miss this Spring Women's Leadership Forum? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.

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Health and Well-being
Girls and Teens
This snapshot summarizes research regarding physical activity levels, access, and barriers for girls and young women to help decision makers understand that instilling physically active habits early can improve the health and wellbeing of Utah women for the rest of their lives.
Utah Girls, Young Women, and Physical Activity

Utah Girls, Young Women, and Physical Activity

This snapshot summarizes research regarding physical activity levels, access, and barriers for girls and young women to help decision makers understand that instilling physically active habits early can improve the health and wellbeing of Utah women for the rest of their lives.

Health and Well-being
Girls and Teens
Violence Against Women
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Did you miss this Women's Leadership Forum event? You can learn about this event and watch the full recording here!
Event Recap - Stopping Violence Against Utah Girls & Women

Event Recap - Stopping Violence Against Utah Girls & Women

Did you miss this Women's Leadership Forum event? You can learn about this event and watch the full recording here!

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Girls and Teens
Sub-Featured Article
This 4-part series introduces educators, parents, and other influencers to research studies focused on the biological and socialized distinctions between genders with application to designing customized and effective learning experiences.
New Curriculum - Understanding Gender: An In-Depth Exploration for Educators & Parents

New Curriculum - Understanding Gender: An In-Depth Exploration for Educators & Parents

This 4-part series introduces educators, parents, and other influencers to research studies focused on the biological and socialized distinctions between genders with application to designing customized and effective learning experiences.

Mental Health
Girls and Teens
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On November 17th, the Utah Women & Leadership Project hosted a workshop entitled “Emotional Wellbeing for Young Women: Understanding Your Brain, Body, and Behavior.” Read the recap here.
Event Recap - Emotional Wellbeing for Young Women: Understanding Your Brain, Body, and Behavior

Event Recap - Emotional Wellbeing for Young Women: Understanding Your Brain, Body, and Behavior

On November 17th, the Utah Women & Leadership Project hosted a workshop entitled “Emotional Wellbeing for Young Women: Understanding Your Brain, Body, and Behavior.” Read the recap here.

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Girls and Teens
Educated Woman
This new curriculum encourages young women to pursue post-secondary education. This curriculum packet was designed to assist the Utah Women & Leadership Project's mission of strengthening the impact of Utah girls and women. It is available to use, free of charge, with groups of young women in various settings (e.g., churches, schools, community, nonprofit, families). It is not to be used by those intending to make a profit.
New Curriculum: Knowledge is Power

New Curriculum: Knowledge is Power

This new curriculum encourages young women to pursue post-secondary education. This curriculum packet was designed to assist the Utah Women & Leadership Project's mission of strengthening the impact of Utah girls and women. It is available to use, free of charge, with groups of young women in various settings (e.g., churches, schools, community, nonprofit, families). It is not to be used by those intending to make a profit.

Girls and Teens
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This curriculum packet was designed to assist the Utah Women & Leadership Project's mission of strengthening the impact of Utah girls and women. It is available to use, free of charge, with groups of young women in various settings (e.g., churches, schools, community, nonprofit, families). It is not to be used by those intending to make a profit.
New Curriculum: Confidence from Head to Toe

New Curriculum: Confidence from Head to Toe

This curriculum packet was designed to assist the Utah Women & Leadership Project's mission of strengthening the impact of Utah girls and women. It is available to use, free of charge, with groups of young women in various settings (e.g., churches, schools, community, nonprofit, families). It is not to be used by those intending to make a profit.

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Girls and Teens
Throughout much of history, women have been seen as an extension of their male relatives when it comes to finances; American women were not allowed to own property in their names until the mid-1800s, overt pay discrimination was legal until 1963, and women could not access credit on their own until 1974.
Women and Finances: What Utahns Need to Know

Women and Finances: What Utahns Need to Know

Throughout much of history, women have been seen as an extension of their male relatives when it comes to finances; American women were not allowed to own property in their names until the mid-1800s, overt pay discrimination was legal until 1963, and women could not access credit on their own until 1974.

Mental Health
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What Can I Do
Girls and Teens
Community Engagement
Good mental health is a critical component of overall wellbeing, hence the influence of therapists is expanding in Utah. As they increasingly recognize and address gender-specific challenges, mental health providers can positively influence girls and women, as well as families, communities, and the state as a whole.
What Therapists Can Do to Strengthen the Impact of Utah Girls and Women

What Therapists Can Do to Strengthen the Impact of Utah Girls and Women

Good mental health is a critical component of overall wellbeing, hence the influence of therapists is expanding in Utah. As they increasingly recognize and address gender-specific challenges, mental health providers can positively influence girls and women, as well as families, communities, and the state as a whole.

Girls and Teens
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What Can I Do
Sports participation is a widely recognized pathway to leadership, and coaches are in an ideal position to positively influence their athletes. This discussion focused on how coaches can first lead by example and then work to support girls’ personal development and resilience.
What Athletic Coaches Can Do To Strengthen The Impact Of Utah Girls And Young Women

What Athletic Coaches Can Do To Strengthen The Impact Of Utah Girls And Young Women

Sports participation is a widely recognized pathway to leadership, and coaches are in an ideal position to positively influence their athletes. This discussion focused on how coaches can first lead by example and then work to support girls’ personal development and resilience.

Girls and Teens
Community Engagement
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This idea sheet is based on a 2019 gathering of 30 Young Women leaders from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (hereafter, “the Church”) in Utah. Since around 60% of Utahns identify as members of the Church, these leaders have the potential to influence a large segment of Utah teens.
What Young Women Leaders Can Do to Strengthen the Impact of Utah Girls and Young Women

What Young Women Leaders Can Do to Strengthen the Impact of Utah Girls and Young Women

This idea sheet is based on a 2019 gathering of 30 Young Women leaders from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (hereafter, “the Church”) in Utah. Since around 60% of Utahns identify as members of the Church, these leaders have the potential to influence a large segment of Utah teens.

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Girls and Teens
What Can I Do
Utah fathers recognize the strong influence local culture can have on the way their daughters develop their sense of self. The state’s distinct environment, with its own set of social norms, can affect girls and young women in both positive and negative ways. Fathers can work to support their daughters’ efforts to navigate cultural influences.
What Utah Fathers Can Do to Strengthen the Impact of Their Daughters

What Utah Fathers Can Do to Strengthen the Impact of Their Daughters

Utah fathers recognize the strong influence local culture can have on the way their daughters develop their sense of self. The state’s distinct environment, with its own set of social norms, can affect girls and young women in both positive and negative ways. Fathers can work to support their daughters’ efforts to navigate cultural influences.

What Can I Do
Community Engagement
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Girls and Teens
This idea sheet is based on a 2019 gathering of 25 elementary school principals and other administrators who met to discuss ways they can support girls in Utah, both in educational success and in many other areas of life.
What Elementary School Administrators Can Do to Strengthen the Impact of Utah Girls

What Elementary School Administrators Can Do to Strengthen the Impact of Utah Girls

This idea sheet is based on a 2019 gathering of 25 elementary school principals and other administrators who met to discuss ways they can support girls in Utah, both in educational success and in many other areas of life.

What Can I Do
Girls and Teens
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This idea sheet is based on a 2018 gathering of 25 mothers who are raising school-aged daughters in Utah. With the knowledge that mothers are one of the most powerful influences in a girl’s life, this discussion focused on various topics, including culture, confidence and self-discovery, education, personal and social development, and resilience.
What Utah Mothers Can Do to Strengthen the Impact of Their Daughters

What Utah Mothers Can Do to Strengthen the Impact of Their Daughters

This idea sheet is based on a 2018 gathering of 25 mothers who are raising school-aged daughters in Utah. With the knowledge that mothers are one of the most powerful influences in a girl’s life, this discussion focused on various topics, including culture, confidence and self-discovery, education, personal and social development, and resilience.

Girls and Teens
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What Can I Do
Community Engagement
School counselors recognize they can influence the culture within their schools and even beyond. But first, they must be aware of the cultural pressures and messages reaching female students. For example, they can recognize how confidence and low self-esteem may affect educational success or aspirations and explore the impact of social media.
What School Counselors Can Do to Strengthen the Impact of Utah Girls and Women

What School Counselors Can Do to Strengthen the Impact of Utah Girls and Women

School counselors recognize they can influence the culture within their schools and even beyond. But first, they must be aware of the cultural pressures and messages reaching female students. For example, they can recognize how confidence and low self-esteem may affect educational success or aspirations and explore the impact of social media.

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Girls and Teens
This post will highlight Sui Lang Panoke and her presentation on social media and finding your voice. Sui is the founder of Women Politics Media, and RE-Think Tank. Through these organizations, Sui works to train leaders, primarily women, emerging leaders and people of color in communication.
Re-Thinking Social Media and Your Voice

Re-Thinking Social Media and Your Voice

This post will highlight Sui Lang Panoke and her presentation on social media and finding your voice. Sui is the founder of Women Politics Media, and RE-Think Tank. Through these organizations, Sui works to train leaders, primarily women, emerging leaders and people of color in communication.

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Girls and Teens
A majority of the participants who had never attended college had once aspired to go. Some still see it as part of their future although existing data show that only a small percentage will actually follow through later in life. Participants who never aspired to get a college degree were a minority in this population.
The College Attendance Decisions of Young Women in Utah

The College Attendance Decisions of Young Women in Utah

A majority of the participants who had never attended college had once aspired to go. Some still see it as part of their future although existing data show that only a small percentage will actually follow through later in life. Participants who never aspired to get a college degree were a minority in this population.

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Girls and Teens
Utah Women and Education Project researchers conducted in-depth research in 2010 to discover why more young women around the state are not attending and graduating from college. We discovered that fathers in Utah have a significant influence on their daughters’ college choices and regarding graduating from college.
The Influence of a Father on a Daughters College Decision

The Influence of a Father on a Daughters College Decision

Utah Women and Education Project researchers conducted in-depth research in 2010 to discover why more young women around the state are not attending and graduating from college. We discovered that fathers in Utah have a significant influence on their daughters’ college choices and regarding graduating from college.

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Girls and Teens
A majority of the participants’ mothers wanted their daughters to attend college. Some mothers wanted their daughters to become independent career women while others believed that a college degree should be used as a backup plan in case their husbands were unable to care for them.
The Influence of a Mother on a Daughter's College Decision

The Influence of a Mother on a Daughter's College Decision

A majority of the participants’ mothers wanted their daughters to attend college. Some mothers wanted their daughters to become independent career women while others believed that a college degree should be used as a backup plan in case their husbands were unable to care for them.

Girls and Teens
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Not surprisingly, almost 90% of the young women participating in our survey believed that they received at least some level of support from their teachers in their high school scholastic efforts. A small minority (6%) felt they did not receive any support at all. The participants also provided in-depth responses regarding the influence of teachers.
The Influence of Teachers

The Influence of Teachers

Not surprisingly, almost 90% of the young women participating in our survey believed that they received at least some level of support from their teachers in their high school scholastic efforts. A small minority (6%) felt they did not receive any support at all. The participants also provided in-depth responses regarding the influence of teachers.

Community Engagement
Girls and Teens
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In 2010, Utah Women and Education Project researchers conducted in-depth research to discover why more young women around the state are not attending and graduating from college. In this blog, we look at the influence school counselors and administrators have on young women attending college.
The Influence of School Counselors and Administrators on a Young Woman's College Decision

The Influence of School Counselors and Administrators on a Young Woman's College Decision

In 2010, Utah Women and Education Project researchers conducted in-depth research to discover why more young women around the state are not attending and graduating from college. In this blog, we look at the influence school counselors and administrators have on young women attending college.

Girls and Teens
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One of the things we discovered during our research is that school counselors and administrators can have a powerful influence on a young woman’s college decision. However, in our sample we found that only 32% of counselors and only one lone principal seized the opportunity to do so with these young women.
School Counselors and Administrators Can Influence College Choices

School Counselors and Administrators Can Influence College Choices

One of the things we discovered during our research is that school counselors and administrators can have a powerful influence on a young woman’s college decision. However, in our sample we found that only 32% of counselors and only one lone principal seized the opportunity to do so with these young women.

Girls and Teens
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During my MATC schooling my senior year we had to prepare a career packet which consisted of a resume and a referral letter from an adult. He was obliged to provide the letter for me and after reading it, I realized how much confidence he had in my abilities to learn, and be a wonderful contributor to society.
The Influence of Teachers on a Young Woman's College Decision

The Influence of Teachers on a Young Woman's College Decision

During my MATC schooling my senior year we had to prepare a career packet which consisted of a resume and a referral letter from an adult. He was obliged to provide the letter for me and after reading it, I realized how much confidence he had in my abilities to learn, and be a wonderful contributor to society.

Girls and Teens
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Female students’ (in K-12) achievement in mathematics and science is on par with their male peers and female students participate in high level mathematics and science courses at similar rates as their male peers, with the exception of computer science and engineering” (NSF, Science & Engineering Indicators, 2016).
Women in STEM

Women in STEM

Female students’ (in K-12) achievement in mathematics and science is on par with their male peers and female students participate in high level mathematics and science courses at similar rates as their male peers, with the exception of computer science and engineering” (NSF, Science & Engineering Indicators, 2016).

Research Brief
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Male Allies
Girls and Teens
Six primary themes emerged from the qualitative data gathered from the combined survey and dialogue table notes. There is interesting overlap between these data and those listed above. First, the most frequently mentioned solution is to help more women in Utah to attend and complete college.
What Can We Do to Help More Girls and Women in Utah Strengthen Their Confidence and Leadership?

What Can We Do to Help More Girls and Women in Utah Strengthen Their Confidence and Leadership?

Six primary themes emerged from the qualitative data gathered from the combined survey and dialogue table notes. There is interesting overlap between these data and those listed above. First, the most frequently mentioned solution is to help more women in Utah to attend and complete college.

Girls and Teens
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Gender Pay Gap
There are many barriers preventing girls and young women from obtaining a post-secondary degree. Financial concerns are number one, and yet all of the data points to the fact that in our state, scholarships and financial aid are drastically underutilized. The other major barrier is more subtle, and may be more specific to Utah girls.
How You Can Help Break Down Barriers for Utah Girls

How You Can Help Break Down Barriers for Utah Girls

There are many barriers preventing girls and young women from obtaining a post-secondary degree. Financial concerns are number one, and yet all of the data points to the fact that in our state, scholarships and financial aid are drastically underutilized. The other major barrier is more subtle, and may be more specific to Utah girls.

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Girls and Teens
Health and Well-being
For many people, the beginning of a new school year is a good time to make resolutions, start fresh, and improve habits. As a 7th grade teacher, I see girls and boys come into my classroom with varying degrees of trepidation, and some come with enthusiasm. They don’t have to sign their names.
Shape Girls’ Impressions of Themselves While Young

Shape Girls’ Impressions of Themselves While Young

For many people, the beginning of a new school year is a good time to make resolutions, start fresh, and improve habits. As a 7th grade teacher, I see girls and boys come into my classroom with varying degrees of trepidation, and some come with enthusiasm. They don’t have to sign their names.

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Girls and Teens
One day I stumbled upon an online community of women and discovered my situation was far from unique. With their examples and support, I began to look outside the home for things that would help give me a sense of purpose. As I began to do so, I felt recharged. I found that I truly enjoyed the process of solving a problem.
How Knowing Your Options Can Change Your Life

How Knowing Your Options Can Change Your Life

One day I stumbled upon an online community of women and discovered my situation was far from unique. With their examples and support, I began to look outside the home for things that would help give me a sense of purpose. As I began to do so, I felt recharged. I found that I truly enjoyed the process of solving a problem.

Girls and Teens
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Our counselors would interrupt our AP class periods to beg us to take the AP tests, dusting the $90 price tag under the words “class exempt” and “step ahead in college.” But when we were asked to indicate how many of us were actually planning on going to college, about half of us raised our hands. Half. In an AP class. Why?
When High Stakes Meet High Prices

When High Stakes Meet High Prices

Our counselors would interrupt our AP class periods to beg us to take the AP tests, dusting the $90 price tag under the words “class exempt” and “step ahead in college.” But when we were asked to indicate how many of us were actually planning on going to college, about half of us raised our hands. Half. In an AP class. Why?

Girls and Teens
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As important as confidence is evidence shows that girls and women struggle with confidence more than men do. They experience more anxiety and self-doubt. Women judge themselves harder and assume the blame when things go wrong. Women don’t let go of failures as quickly as men.
The Confidence Crisis For Women And Girls

The Confidence Crisis For Women And Girls

As important as confidence is evidence shows that girls and women struggle with confidence more than men do. They experience more anxiety and self-doubt. Women judge themselves harder and assume the blame when things go wrong. Women don’t let go of failures as quickly as men.

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Community Engagement
Girls and Teens
They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. There are occasional outliers, but in general, kids learn of their own potential and learn habits by watching their parents. My mom and dad love to learn. They read. They study. They write. They listen and discuss interesting topics in conversation.
More Than Just Passing the Bucks: Enabling a Life of Learning and Serving

More Than Just Passing the Bucks: Enabling a Life of Learning and Serving

They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. There are occasional outliers, but in general, kids learn of their own potential and learn habits by watching their parents. My mom and dad love to learn. They read. They study. They write. They listen and discuss interesting topics in conversation.

Girls and Teens
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Think of an important young girl in your life. Maybe she’s your teenage granddaughter, your niece in first grade, or your toddler. No matter her age, chances are she’s already forming her view of college. How do you show her that earning a college degree is an exciting challenge that will add great benefits to her life?
The Aspirational Value of Saving for College

The Aspirational Value of Saving for College

Think of an important young girl in your life. Maybe she’s your teenage granddaughter, your niece in first grade, or your toddler. No matter her age, chances are she’s already forming her view of college. How do you show her that earning a college degree is an exciting challenge that will add great benefits to her life?

Girls and Teens
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Here we are in January and we find ourselves thinking about opportunities to improve ourselves and our lives… at least you can’t look anywhere without being reminded it’s time to make new goals, start a new exercise routine, or organize some aspect of your life.
How Can Your Daughter Improve Her Reasoning Skills & Cognitive Development?

How Can Your Daughter Improve Her Reasoning Skills & Cognitive Development?

Here we are in January and we find ourselves thinking about opportunities to improve ourselves and our lives… at least you can’t look anywhere without being reminded it’s time to make new goals, start a new exercise routine, or organize some aspect of your life.

Community Engagement
Girls and Teens
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The Influence of School Activities and Leadership Roles on a Young Woman’s College Decision
Girls and Teens
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The Influence of College Preparation Activities on a Young Woman’s College Decision