April 16, 2024
Hallie Meier
Hallie Meier

Hallie Meier is the daughter of an Army Veteran from Logan, UT. She shared the following about her families service in the Army and her experiences at USU.

What is the most positive/useful life lesson you learned from being a military child?
Nothing stays the same, life is constantly changing and you have to be ready to adapt at all times.

Where is the most interesting/exotic place you have lived?
Memphis, Tennessee

Major at USU:
Economics and Finance with a Marketing Minor

How has the VRO improved your experience at USU and/or helped you as a student?
The VRO is a safe place for me on campus. It lets me know that I always have a place where I can relax and talk to people I can relate to. They also have all of the things you need to be successful whether it's a snack, printing, or tutoring.

What's your favorite thing about being an Aggie, and why?
I love how many opportunities there are here to be successful. Whatever you want to do, USU has a way for you to do it.