Green Certifications

How can I improve environmental aspects of my office, lab, or event?

First of all, congratulations! You and the others in your office or department are eager to make USU a more sustainable campus by working together and creating solutions. Follow these guidelines to begin your certification process:

A Green Team is a group of dedicated individuals who are motivated to make USU more sustainable. They will work together with the Green Certification coordinator to complete the Green Certification process and set goals for further improvement. The Green Teams will also be able to correspond with other office and departments' teams as a campus resource.


Next Steps

Get Your Bearings

  • Look over the pre-assessment checklist and make note of what is already being done in your office.
  • Notice things that can or ought to be improved.
  • Start with a few small changes.

Set Goals

  • Establish goals for tasks that can be easily be implemented in your office but currently are not.
  • Come up with ideas on how to improve initiatives that are already in place.

Create a Commitment Plan

  • Tie everything together with an office commitment plan. This plan should be available to everyone in your office and reflect your values.
  • Assign tasks to Green Team members to ensure that you reach your goals.

Plan Ahead

  • Schedule a regular time that your team can meet and review your commitment plan.
  • Work with the Green Certifications Coordinator to communicate your goals and identify possible resources.