
While Utah State University seeks to be proactively accessible, accommodations may still be necessary. The University is committed to providing students with disabilities reasonable accommodations. This is done through a centralized approach with the DRC as the officially designated unit for reviewing and coordinating student accommodation requests. Accommodations can be requested for anything related to the university experience. 

Understanding Accommodations


  • Are modifications or services that allow a student with a disability an equal opportunity to engage in the university's services and activities. 
  • Create access by removing barriers in the environment that nondisabled peers do not experience. 
  • Allow disabled student’s an equal opportunity to meet academic standards or requirements by adjusting the method in which academic tasks are accomplished. 
  • May not fundamentally alter the nature of a program or activity, lower academic standards, or impair an instructor's ability to measure academic progress.
  • Are determined on a case-by-case basis using an individualized interactive process.
  • Are based on the current impact of the disability in the educational setting.
  • Do not apply retroactively. 

In general, it is the student’s responsibility to make their disability status and subsequent need for an accommodation known to the university by following the instructions on the Getting Started page to set up a meeting with an Accessibility Consultant. Accommodation decisions are made through an interactive process that begins during a student’s initial appointment with their Accessibility Consultant. All of the information and documentation that a student provides will be taken into account when making accommodation decisions. 

Once you have been approved for accommodations, you are responsible for familiarizing yourself with the relevant information about that accommodation. Information regarding common accommodations may be found below. Many accommodations, including testing, interpreting, transcribing, note-taking, and attendance must be requested each semester by submitting a Course Accommodation Request. Other accommodations, such as reduced course loads, ESAs, and course substitutions that do not apply to specific courses, do not require a Course Accommodation Request. 

Students are responsible for communicating with the DRC if an accommodation is not providing equal access and needs to be adjusted. Students are also responsible for notifying the DRC any time additional accommodations become necessary.