Documentation & Eligibility Guidelines

Eligibility for DRC services and accommodations are based on the current impact of a disability. The DRC will use any relevant source of information including a person’s self-report, direct observation, previous educational records such as IEP's and 504's, and third-party documentation from health care providers. 

If the individual's disability and the necessity for the accommodation are obvious, the individual need only explain what type of accommodation he/she is requesting. No third-party verification of disability and/or is required under these circumstances. If the disability and/or necessity for the accommodation are not obvious, the DRC may require the individual to provide documentation from a reliable third party who can verify that the individual has a disability and that the requested accommodation is necessary to provide the individual an equal opportunity to participate at the University. 

The professional making the diagnosis of a disability should be an appropriately trained evaluator operating within their professional scope of practice. For example, an audiologist would diagnose a hearing impairment; a psychiatrist, psychologist, or clinical social worker would diagnose a mental health disability.  Documentation from a family member or family friend is not acceptable.


When documentation is required, it should:

  • Be from a licensed professional such as a medical doctor, audiologist, or psychologist who is personally familiar with the student’s disability and its impact in a university setting.
  • Be in writing, typed on letterhead, dated, with the name, and specialty of the provider stated.
  • Clearly state the nature of the disability.
  • Discuss limitations that are experienced in the academic environment due to the disability.
  • If appropriate, discuss the severity and/or expected progression.
  • If appropriate, list medication side-effects. 
  • If the disability results in periods when a student cannot attend class or complete schoolwork, the frequency and duration of these periods should be described. 

If the disability is a learning disability or the accommodations requested are related to cognition, a comprehensive psycho-educational evaluation may be needed. The evaluation report should include all standard test scores, subtest scores, and the evaluator’s narrative.