Roles and Responsibilities

Foundation Board members are selected to serve voluntarily. Each selection made anticipates that each member’s personal commitment and influence with others will serve to ensure the growth and success of the Foundation and thereby augment the quality and reputation of Utah State University. Any person whose name is brought before the Foundation Board for possible selection to the body shall be deemed qualified if the nominee holds the following qualifications:

  1. A strong belief in the viability and value of publicly supported higher education as a major force in meeting the critical needs of the society.
  2. A corollary belief that Utah State University is an integral component of public higher education and a significant asset to the state, the region and the country as a whole.
  3. A general concurrence with the mission, goals and objectives of the university as developed and articulated by the President and approved by the Board of Trustees.
  4. A firm conviction that publicly supported institutions of higher education are appropriate objects of personal philanthropy and other forms of private support.
  5. A willingness to improve the quality of the university through
    • Participation at a level commensurate with membership on the Foundation Board.
    • Personal financial support of the university through the Foundation at a leadership level commensurate with capacity and interest.
    • A commitment to work with University Advancement staff in securing financial support from others.

Utah State University Foundation Board members agree to the following:

  1. Hold as high priority attendance at the two scheduled Foundation Board meetings each year.
  2. Serve actively on one board committee or more as assigned by the board chair.
  3. Be alert for opportunities to promote the purpose, goals and objectives of the Foundation and to capitalize on such opportunities, especially where the potential exists for support to the university and its programs.
  4. Provide financial support to the following campaigns and activities of the Foundation:
    • Board of Directors Annual Fund Campaign participation at a leadership giving level is recommended, and 100% participation by board members is expected.
    • Major gift and capital campaign support for the Foundation’s major fundraising initiatives at the major gift level or more, that will inspire others to emulate that support.
  5. Be available on reasonable demand to work with staff to advance the mission of the Foundation by:
    • Providing advice and counsel on the general management, operations and program activities of the Foundation;
    • Providing or otherwise securing introductions to persons who, by virtue of personal wealth or resources under their management or control, have potential for new or increased support of the university; and
    • Participating in the Foundation’s efforts to identify, cultivate and solicit potential donors, and provide stewardship for gifts received.