Frequently Asked Questions


What exactly is AFROTC?

The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corp, or AFROTC, is a training program that prepares you to become an Air Force Officer while earning a college degree. See About AFROTC and Cadet Life for more information.

I want to be an Air Force pilot. What degree should I get?

You can have any degree and compete to be an Air Force pilot. One criteria that will be considered when you compete to be selected as a pilot is your college cumulative grade point average. We recommend studying a degree that you are passionate about, so that you will go the extra mile in your academics and obtain a high grade point average.

How do I join the Space Force?

AFROTC commissions officers into both the Air Force and the Space Force. To join the Space Force, cadets will participate in ROTC exactly the same as everyone but those who are interested in joining the Space Force will compete for a special board to be a Space Operations Officer in the Space Force their Junior Year.

I think I want to do AFROTC, but I'm not sure. What should I do?

You can try out AFROTC without making any commitments to the program. All you need to do is sign up for the relevant Aerospace Studies courses. Visit Join AFROTC for more information.

Can I get a scholarship with AFROTC?

The AFROTC program does make scholarships available to cadets each semester. Check out our Scholarships for information about them.

What is my commitment to the Air Force by being part of ROTC?

You are not committing to join the Air Force by taking ROTC classes. There are two points of commitment that students commonly reach. If you are doing well enough in the program that we offer you an in-college scholarship, and you accept it, you are committing to join the Air Force. The second common commitment point that cadets meet is contracting after completing Field Training. Prior to starting the junior year of college, all cadets must contract and commit to joining the Air Force.

What is Field Training?

Field Training is the heart and soul of Air Force ROTC training. The first two years of ROTC prepare you to attend Field Training, a two or three week encampment at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama where you will be evaluated on your leadership potential. The last two years of ROTC is spent training others to prepare them for Field Training and eventual commissioning as an officer in the United States Air Force.

How long is my commitment to the Air Force?

The standard commitment once graduating from Air Force ROTC is four years. Certain career fields can incur a longer commitment, for example pilots have a ten year commitment after completing pilot training.

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We're more than happy to answer any questions you have. Get in contact with us.