Facts and Figures

Enrollment Reporting

Student credit hours (SCH) and Full-Time equivalent (FTE) are the standard measure used to reflect the credits that a department offers. SCH is function of the number of students in a course multiplied the credit hours awarded for that course. FTE is determined by dividing undergraduate SCH by 15, and graduate SCH by 10.

The Utah Legislature categorizes enrollments into distinct groups when considering funding. These are categorized as "Budget Related" and "Self Support". For a course to be categorized as budget related, a specific set of criteria must be satisfied, and if met, qualify the instruction for state support and funding.

Following are documents regarding enrollment reporting methodologies and step by step instructions.

Decision Tree

The Decision Tree was designed to provide guidance to the categorization of courses as either budget-related or self-supporting for state funding purposes.

Budget-Related Enrollments are designated by the Board of Higher Education as budget related and are eligible for state funding.

Self Supporting (or Off Budget) Enrollments are designated by the Board of Higher Education as self supporting and are not eligible for state funding. Examples of self supporting courses are: university remedial courses, ROTC courses, correspondence courses, contract courses, workshops, non-credit academic courses, etc.

Download an Excel application of the decision tree here. Macros must be enabled.


Budget Summaries