In-situ and Museum Pottery Samples

For contextual sampling of sediment in which the pottery was found, follow the guidelines outlines in the sandy deposits.

For dating material contained within the ceramic, the coarse-grained temper or fine-grained paste may be dated.

  • Coarse-grain temper can be extracted from artifact if thickness is >5mm thick, >2cm in diameter, and light exposed grains can be removed





  • Two dose rate samples are needed: the sediment surrounding artifact and outer mm of artifact (this will be extracted in the lab).
  • For museum specimens, contextual sediment may not be available. Discuss other options with laboratory personnel.
  • Vessels with quartz sand temper or fine-grained silt may be dated with OSL.
  • Firing temperatures need to be high enough to reset the luminescence signal.
  • Site wildfire history is of importance if sherd is unburied.

This method is destructive, all permits and approvals should be in place prior to lab submission.