Visitors and summer short course

Visiting students and professionals are welcome to visit the lab to prep samples as time and space becomes available. Visits range from 1-2 weeks depending on the number of samples to be processed. Inquire with Dr. Tammy Rittenour @ for more details.

The two-week OSL training course taught by Dr. Tammy Rittenour and her staff is designed for students and professionals seeking to apply luminescence dating geochronology to their theses and projects in geomorphology and archaeology. Course takers will experience lectures on luminescence dating background and get hands-on laboratory work with sample processing and data analysis. Students will learn skills in this aspect of their research, and benefit by receiving their initial results more quickly and cheaply through their labor.
Two students using high density liquid for heavy mineral separation

Learning objectives include:

  1. Understanding the principles and physics behind luminescence dating.
  2. Luminescence properties of quartz and feldspar and benefits of one over the other.
  3. Uncertainties and limitations of luminescence dating.
  4. Traditional and innovative applications of luminescence dating.
  5. Proper sample collection techniques for a variety of field scenarios, as well as specifics pertinent to individual research goals.
  6. Sample extraction, wet sieving, chemical treatment, and heavy mineral separation - all under dark lab conditions.
  7. Dose rate and water content sample preparation.
  8. Sample mounting for Risø reader analysis.
  9. Equivalent dose, dose rate, and water content data analysis.
  10. Presentation of initial findings at course mini-conference.

Additionally, students are assigned luminescence-related publications to discuss and present during the course.

 The course fee includes on-campus shared apartment-style housing. Participants will get to process and date up to 10 samples at a reduced price from our collaborative rate. Space is very limited, and spots fill up quickly.

 The short course is held most summers. Contact us for inquiries into the next course and availability.

 Inquire with Dr. Tammy Rittenour about the enrollment availability and guidance on sampling specifics required for the course.

 In your email inquiry please submit the following to

-Your full name
-Email address and affiliation
-Advisor's name (if applicable)
-Degree (indicate in progress or completed) and expected graduation date (if applicable)
-A New Project Form which includes a summary of your project and number of expected sample
-Send a project summary, such as in the form of a thesis or grant proposal