Douglas S. Foxley Foundation

Mr. Douglas S. Foxley is one of USU's first students to serve a Washington, D.C. internship. Since his days as an intern, Mr. Foxley has built an incredible political career - advising a number of local, state, and federal candidates, providing legislative representation o some of Utah's most respected and well-known companies, and establishing himself as one of Utah's premier lobbyists. Along the way Mr. Foxley has mentored dozens of USU Aggie interns.

In honor of Doug, we invite you to help support the next generation of Aggie interns by contributing to the Douglas S. Foxley Scholarship Endowment. The endowment will create for USU Students to engage in discussions of politics and business through our Foxley Forum seminar series. The endowment will also help fund students in critical governmental internships.

For questions, please contact us via email to or by phone (435) 797-9618.  The Institute of Government and Politics is Utah State University's center for practical politics, coordinating a quickly-expanding internship program, training students, and inviting politicos from across the nation to address groups on campus.

Donate To the Douglas S. Foxley Endowment

douglas s foxley