"A" Pin Award

The "A" Pin is one of the oldest academic awards at Utah State University. Initiated in 1910, it is presented by the Dean of the College of Science to undergraduate students. It acknowledges and rewards students who achieve all A grades (4.0 GPA) while carrying 15 graded credit hours for two consecutive semesters. Courses for which a P (Pass) grade is received do not qualify for graded credits.

The pin features USU's iconic Old Main Tower and includes the word "scholarship," denoting the highest marks in scholarly achievement. 

* Each asterisk indicates an additional "A" Pin award earned by the student.

A pin award

Fall 2019 Award Recipients

Name Major
Carter Bailey* Computer Science
Caleb Barton Computer Science
Alexander Beeston* Computer Science
Avery Bolingbroke** Computer Science
Ryle Briggs Physics
Jaren Campbell* Computer Science
Trey Crowther* Computer Science
Wesley Dashner Computer Science
Connor Dibble Computer Science
Nicole Ewer** Biology
Ashley Flake* Physics
Sierra Fox* Mathematics & Statistics
Austin Galura Computer Science
Braden Geddes Biology
Raustin Grandy* Biology
Brittany Grob* Biology
Abbey Harris Mathematics & Statistics
Colton Hill* Computer Science
Charles Hirschi Biology
Justin Hunter Chemistry & Biochemistry
Christian Lange* Physics
Soren Mann Physics
Rachel Mikulecky* Computer Science
Allison Oborn Computer Science
Nicholas Rodgers* Computer Science
Derek Smith* Computer Science
Parker Snow Mathematics & Statistics
Ashlie Stout Biology
Rigoberto Tellez* Mathematics & Statistics
Alexander Thurston Computer Science
Bryce Williams* Mathematics & Statistics
Jonas Williams-Gilchrist Computer Science