Fall 2024 Online Course Bootcamp Schedule

The Fall 2024 Online Course Development Bootcamp will adhere to the following general schedule. All content is delivered online and asynchronously except where live sessions are noted.

Pre-work: (September 19–22)

  • Review the schedule.
  • Get signed into workspaces.
  • Review technology requirements and resources.
  • Review bootcamp objectives.
  • Submit self-introductions.

Week 1: Kickoff, Analysis, and Course Mapping (September 23–27)

The first week's content involves a live session in which participants join in-person or via Zoom. To accommodate schedules, the live session will be offered in both the morning and the afternoon on two separate days. Participants will only attend one of the four sessions.

  • Live session: Cohort building; analysis and design basics (Tuesday, September 24 or Friday, September 27. Participants can attend from 9:00am-12:00pm or 1:00pm-4:00pm.).
  • Develop the course grading strategy.
  • Review mapping worksheet (objectives).
  • Deliverable: Course mapping worksheet with learner and needs analysis.

Week 2: Course Structure Refinement (September 30–October 4)

The second week features online content. Participants will work on their courses individually. Individuals will schedule meetings with their instructional designer to develop the course prototype.

  • Refine course objectives and course map.
  • Deliverable: Meeting with instructional designer to create prototype of entire course in Canvas.
  • Deliverable: Draft the course syllabus.

Week 3: Initial Content Creation (October 7–11)

The third week features online content. Participants will work on their courses individually. CIDI will continue providing consultations and hands-on development support.

  • Curate and embed non-lecture content (i.e. readings) and continue to develop lecture content.
  • Deliverable: Create the first two weeks of content material and assessments, including recording the first two lecture videos and submitting for captions.

Week 4: Accessibility Review (October 14–18)

The fourth week features online content. Participants will work on their courses individually. DAS and CIDI will meet with individuals to conduct an accessibility review and continue providing hands-on development support.

  • Learn and apply accessibility principles.
  • Deliverable: Accessibility Review with Instructional Designer or DAS.
  • Deliverable: Develop weeks 3 and 4 of content and assessment.

Week 5: Feedback and Assessments (October 21–25)

  • Deliverable: Create a rubric and incorporate built-in feedback into an assigment.
  • Deliverable: Develop weeks 5 and 6 of content and assessment.

Week 6: User Testing and Revision (October 28–November 1)

The sixth week features the second live session, again offered over two days to accommodate schedules. Participants will only attend one of the four sessions. CIDI will continue providing consultations and hands-on development support.

  • Live Session: Course showcase, user testing, assignment charrette. (Tuesday, October 29 or Friday, November 1. Participants can attend from 9:00am-12:00pm or 1:00pm-4:00pm.).
  • Deliverable: Reflection on user testing and peer feedback.
  • Deliverable: Roadmap for completion.
  • Deliverable: Develop weeks 7 and 8 of content and assessment.

Week 7: Evaluations (November 4–8)

The seventh week features online content. CIDI will continue offering consultations and hands-on development support.

  • Deliverable: Complete the mid-semester and end-of-semester evaluations.
  • Deliverable: Develop weeks 9 and 10 of content and assessment.

Week 8: Academic Integrity (November 11–15)

  • Deliverable: Develop weeks 11 and 12 of content and assessment.

Week 9: Course Orientation and Wrap-up (November 18–22)

  • Deliverable: Complete the course orientation.
  • Deliverable: Develop weeks 13 through 15 of content and assessment.

Complete Course Due: November 22

Course Quality Reviews, Peer Reviews, Accessibility Reviews, and Final Touch-ups (November 25–December 6)

  • Course quality reviews (provided by CIDI and academic peers) will be completed by December 6.

First Semester Course is Taught

The first semester the course is taught, participants will work with CIDI to collect student feedback and make improvements. This will involve at least two consultations with a CIDI designer—one in the middle of the semester around the time of mid-semester evaluations, and another at the end of the semester when making additional course adjustments.

  • Mid-semester: Faculty will implement a mid-semester course survey to collect student feedback.
  • End-of-semester: Faculty will work with CIDI to implement improvements based upon student performance and feedback