Arranged (Supervised)

Arranged Time and Location

In Arranged courses, students are mentored in a learning environment applicable to their area of study. This delivery method is typically used for internships, practicums, student teaching, clinicals, advanced study, or research.

Key Principles for Success

By definition, Arranged courses can be facilitated in many ways and for many purposes. They can be very flexible. However, some general principles can reduce confusion and delays:

  • Set Clear Expectations: Define the intended outcomes of the course. Make sure students know what the schedule of the course will be and how their work will be monitored and evaluated. In some cases, these conditions may be something you negotiate with the student. Whatever the case may be, have a written syllabus and/or contract that makes the expectations clear.
  • Provide Early and Regular Communication and Support: An Arranged course will probably be a deviation from the norm for students, so be in touch by the first day of class or earlier to make sure expectations are clear. Maintain regular contact throughout the term to provide feedback and guidance.
  • Post Resources and Grades in Canvas: Even if the course doesn't utilize significant online content or assignments, students still tend to look in Canvas for course information, submission options, and grades. Using Canvas for these purposes, however limited they may be, is a good way to maintain student privacy and help students stay on top of important information and deadlines.
  • Promote Professional Standards: Arranged classes often provide a uniquely experiential learning experience. Help students refer to and follow the standards of the discipline or profession as they engage with their experience.
  • Promote Reflection: The quality of students' reflection on a learning experience determines its impact. Help students reflect on their learning activities so they can connect them to important concepts and consider opportunities for improvement.


Preparation for an Arranged class can vary significantly depending on the nature of the experience. However, some general principles apply:

  • Make Necessary Connections Early: Students may need access to individuals, companies, departments, and technologies to complete their work. Set these up with enough advance time to mitigate potential delays or complications.
  • Set up regular communication means: Establish a Zoom schedule, in-person schedule, messaging schedule, or any other means you may need to maintain connection with your students.
  • Send a pre-class message: Students will likely find comfort in knowing how their Arranged course will operate before the term officially begins.
  • Add resources and assignment submission pages to Canvas: You can use the Canvas Assignments tool to collect work and check for plagiarism, the Canvas calendar to post important milestones, and the Canvas Modules to post important tutorials, forms, and other information. Give yourself more peace of mind by putting this information in Canvas at the beginning of the Arranged course.

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Engagement Strategies

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