Socratic Seminar

The purpose of conducting a Socratic Seminar is to get students to construct knowledge by consuming information, analyzing it, then debating their point of view with other students. The instructor and students must come to class prepared in order for the class discussion to run smoothly. 


The instructor needs to first identify the critical articles, cases, videos, or other content that students need to study prior to class. The instructor also comes up with some thought provoking questions that can help students consider various viewpoints, while keeping the material in mind. Questions with a single correct answer will not function to promote the desired engagement among the students in the class.  

Students need to review assigned materials prior to class and come prepared to answer and support with evidence from the readings their viewpoints. 

At the Beginning of Class

Students sit in a circle facing each other. The teacher begins the discussion with an opening question.

During the Discussion

The students present their ideas, backing them up from the research they have done.

The instructor tracks how many discussion points and responses each student makes during the class period. The instructor can probe for more details or clarify a point but puts the students at the center of the conversation.



Queen, J. A. (2008). The Block Scheduling Handbook. Corwin Press.