Contact & FAQ

We're happy to answer any questions you may have about our upcoming summer camps and other USU STARS! activities. Take a look at our FAQs to see if your question is answered there, or reach out to our team by completing the form below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

For Parents/Guardians

  • What is GEAR UP?
    GEAR UP is a federally funded partnership grant program designed to help students graduate from high school and go to college. USU STARS! GEAR UP supports students and families as they make plans for their future education.
  • What kind of camp/activity does USU STARS! GEAR UP offer?
    GEAR UP sponsors camps and activities to help students discover career and educational opportunities and build confidence and leadership skills while meeting other students.
  • Who can attend these activities?
    Events are only open to GEAR UP students. Students must attend a partner school in a specified graduating class to be eligible.
  • How much do camps/activities cost?
    Nothing. They are FREE including lodging, food, instructors, and supplies for eligible students.
  • How will I know if my student has registered?
    Watch for an email. A copy of the registration form will be emailed to students and the parent/guardian that they listed on the form. This includes the disclosure of student names listed on roommate requests.
  • After registration, what essential paperwork needs to be filled out before students can attend a camp/activity?
    We need you to sign a Student Agreement Consent Form. Information about and access to the form can be found on the page of the camp/activity.  Some camps have additional liability forms.
  • My student is on a waitlist; how do we know if they got in?
    We will reach out to students and parents/guardians if spots open up for camps/activities. You will need to respond promptly and let us know if you are still interested.
  • What will students do at camps and activities?
    Descriptions and agendas are available to students and families at the time that they register, including a schedule of activities and locations.
  • Where will students stay for overnight activities?
    Depending on the camp/activity, students will stay in either college dorms or hotels. GEAR UP will transport students during activities, if needed. See specific agendas for details.
  • Will my student have a roommate? Can he or she request a particular roommate?
    Dorm and hotel rooms accommodate two students. Students may request a roommate preference during registration, but we cannot guarantee every request will be fulfilled.
  • Will my student need money?
    Since all meals and camp supplies are provided by USU STARS! GEAR UP, students do not need money but can bring some along if they like.
  • Who supervises camps/activities?
    Camps/activities are supervised by qualified staff. Other personnel on-call include GEAR UP staff, participating schools (teachers, counselors, site coordinators), camp counselors (college students), camp instructors (college professors), and campus police.
  • What are my responsibilities?
    You are expected to encourage students to follow rules and requirements for each camp/activity. If your student breaks the rules, it is your responsibility to pick them up early.
  • What if a student is sick?
    If students exhibit symptoms of illness, please keep them home. DO NOT KNOWINGLY LET SICK STUDENTS ATTEND CAMP- this jeopardized the health of other students and staff. If a camper throws up or complains about an illness, parents/guardians will be notified and instructed to pick up the student immediately.
  • Can arrangements be made for special dietary restrictions?
    Yes. Dietary restrictions should be specified during registration. Many activities include food choice options for meals. We also provide healthy snacks.
  • Do you allow students with special needs?
    Yes. We aim to provide a fulfilling and meaningful experience for all students. If your student requires special accommodations, please share that information on the registration form.
  • Medications at camps/activities
    All student medications and medical conditions MUST be reported prior to attending on the registration form. If students need to take medication during a camp or activity, medications should be given in their original prescription bottles/packaging to the supervising staff for dispersal.

    Upon check-in please give all medication, clearly and correctly labeled, to a camp coordinator. Medication will be stored under lock and, for prescription medication, given under the directions of a licensed provider or, for OTC medications, per signed instructions from a parent/guardian.

    In the case of emergency medication (Epinephrine or Inhaler), the device should remain with the student at all times, and staff will need to be informed of specific medical needs.
  • How are parents made aware of incidents/accidents that occur during the camp day?
    Parents will be notified about incident/accidents by GEAR UP staff, school, or district personnel. For serious injuries or illnesses, parents and guardians will be contacted immediately.

For Student Participants

  • How do I register for camp/activity?
    Registration is offered online. Look for a blue “Register” button on the page of the camp/activity you are interested in. Answer each question and follow the prompts to submit.
  • What do I do after I’ve registered?
    There is some essential paperwork that we will need your parents/guardians to fill out called a Student Agreement Consent Form. Information about and access to the form can be found on the page of the camp/activity.  Some camps have additional liability forms.
  • What happens if a camp/activity is full?
    If a camp is full, ask the GEAR UP coordinator at your school to put you on a waitlist. Once you are on the list, we will reach out to you if a spot opens. You will need to respond promptly and let us know if you are still interested.
  • How much does camp/activity cost?
    Camps and activities are FREE. All we ask is that you come ready to learn.
  • Will I need money?
    Since all meals and camp supplies are provided by USU GEAR UP,  you do not need money but can bring some along if you like.
  • What will I do at camps and activities?
    Descriptions and agendas will be made available on our website, including a schedule of activities and locations.
  • Who will be at the camp/activity?
    Students like you from other USU GEAR UP partner schools and grades from across the state.
  • What are my responsibilities?
    When registering for any event you agree to accept GEAR UP policies and code of conduct as listed below.

    Participant Behavioral Code of Conduct:
    Students attending any USU STARS! GEAR UP events agree to follow the participant behavioral code of conduct.
    1. The possession or use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs is prohibited.
    2. The possession or use of fireworks, guns, and other weapons is prohibited.
    3. The operation of a motor vehicle by minors is prohibited while attending and participating in the program.
    4. No violence, including sexual abuse or harassment, will be tolerated.
    5. Hazing of any kind is prohibited.
    6. Bullying including verbal, physical, and cyber bullying is prohibited.
    7. Theft of property is prohibited.
    8. Misuse or damage of University property is prohibited. Charges will be assessed against those participants who are responsible for damage or misuse of University property.
    9. The inappropriate use of cameras, imaging, and digital devices is prohibited, including use of such devices in showers, restrooms, or other areas where privacy is expected by participants.
  • Will I have a roommate? Can I request a particular roommate?
    Dorm and hotel rooms accommodate two students. Students may request a roommate preference during registration, but we cannot guarantee every request will be fulfilled.
  • Are there food options for allergies, vegans, vegetarians or other preferences?
    Yes. Dietary restrictions should be specified during registration. Many activities include food choice options for meals. We also provide healthy snacks.
  • What if I need to go home during a camp/activity?
    We hope that this doesn’t happen, but if you need to go home because of illness or another emergency, your parents/guardians will be contacted and told how and where to come and get you.