
Login & Instructions

Kissflow is an easy online system used by USU STARS! for completing and approving forms, such as food requests, budget revisions, and carry over fund requests. Each school should identify the person or people who should have access to this tool as they will be submitting all needs to be reviewed by the USU administration team.

For more help, please see Kissflow's help documentation.

Signing into Kissflow

  • Log in to Kissflow at
  • If you forget your password, click Forgot Password? at the bottom of the login page to have Kissflow send instructions via email on how to reset your password.
  • Please bookmark the Kissflow login page since you will return here often.
  • Once you log into Kissflow, you’ll arrive at the Home tab.
  • From the Home tab you can access forms, approvals, items, and tasks in progress.

Kissflow Home tab

  • Click the 4-colored logo in the upper left corner to return to the Home tab.
  • Navigation bar at the top of the page includes Tasks, Items, Chats, and Favorites.
  • Tasks page lets you quickly access the list of tasks that are assigned to you.
  • Items page shows a list of work in progress, including drafts that can be edited.
  • Chats page allows you to start a conversation with a group or individual.

Start a New Form

  • Select the form you’d like to complete from the Recent flows section.
  • If your form is not listed, click the blue Show all flows on the right to find form.
  • When the form page opens, click the green/blue New Item button on top right.
  • Fill in form with required information (anything with a red star is a required field).
    • Select the Submit button on lower right side when complete.
    • Select the Save button to submit it at another time.
    • Once submitted the appropriate personnel in the USU Admin office will receive an email informing them that a form is available for approval
  • Return to the Home tab by clicking the 4-colored logo in the upper left corner.

Budget officers, Program Coordinators, and Directors will review the forms submitted. They may make comments or ask for clarification, approve, or reject the forms.

When any of these actions take place, you will receive an email notifying you of the action taken. When responding to clarifications or making new comments, please use the @ before the name of the person you are sending the message to, so they receive an email with your update. For example, type @DonaldDuck (and select their name when it pops up) before the message to allow Donald to receive notification of your comment.

Helpful Suggestions

When filling out a form, please add the information below to your descriptions so that we can approve your request quickly and get you what you need.

  • Why are we buying this item?
  • How does the purchase relate to GEAR UP goals & objectives?
  • Is it new or a replacement item?
  • How will it be used at your school?
  • Add a link to the product.
  • Include field trip agenda for Food Requests

When responding to clarifications or making new comments, please use the @ (and select their name when it pops up) when you reply to a message so they receive an email with your update.


  • Check the Tasks page to find forms that you need to respond to, click it to open the form.
  • If you do not see an item on the Home tab, click on the flow you were working on in Recent Flow, such as Food Request and check for unfinished work under Draft.
  • Find the correct task, click on it, and respond.
  • Remember to use the @ sign before the name of the person you are responding to, for them to be notified of your clarification.

Find an Approved Request

  • Select Items from the Navigation bar at the top of the Home page.
  • Scroll list to find the approved request and click on the name of the task to expand the request.
  • To print a form, click on the Printer icon in the right top corner of the page.
  • To duplicate a form, click on the Copy icon in the right top corner of the page.

Monthly Success Stories

Kissflow allows you to collect and share success stories at your schools. It walks you through the actual date, number of students at the event, stores photos, and verifies permission to use the photos in social media and on our website.

  • From the Home page (4-colored logo in the upper left corner)
  • Select Show all flows on the right side below hourglass
  • Find Monthly Success Stories
  • Hover over Monthly Success Stories
  • Tack image will pin this page to your navigation page
  • Click on the Blue + to start a form
    • Fill out the form as completely as possible
    • Quotes from participants are helpful
    • Attach a picture (or many photos)
    • Be sure to click YES below the “Are photo release on file…”