
USU is committed to carbon neutrality by 2040. Carbon means that through emissions reduction and some offsets, USU will be contributing no carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

In 2019 the faculty senate accelerated our carbon neutrality goal to 10% reduction each year until neutrality. 

In the near term, by 2030 we hope to reach 30,915.25 MTCO2e (Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide), which represents a 72% reduction from our 2018 baseline of 109,458.87 MTCO2e


graph of emmssions

emissions per full time enrollment

How we are doing it:

  • Reduce Energy Usage Intensity (EUI) annually. 
  • Decarbonize the central energy plant by 2040.
  • Launch a pilot study on EV integration in the USU fleet.
  • Invest in on-campus renewables whenever possible.
  • Increase the share of low-carbon transportation alternatives (carpool, bus, and non-motorized transportation) utilized by students and employees by 5% each year.